I love Hope's tumbling it is probably the most perfect technique I've seen...but what would you expect from a Worlds level power tumbler?
Have always loved the Love kids. Whenever I get stressed about cp's tumbling I think "WWDLD?" We were extremely lucky to have her come to our AZ gym multiple times, really amazing tumbling coach.
I also think that if you have been named an "Nfinity Legend" before you should not be able to apply again...but that's just me.
And I will never understand flying to participate on a team! Someone's parents must travel a lot to afford the miles to that from IL each week. And it's only cheerleading, you can't go pro or to the Olympics, the most you can hope for is a scholarship so why invest that much money?! I don't get it but once again...that's just me. I can understand maybe moving for a specific gym like McLovin did. Cp really wants to cheer at World Cup, if she was level 5 I would consider letting her stay with family so she can be a Shooting Star, but not fly in each week.