This is my daughter’s 4th or 5th consecutive Summit, and this is the first year I’ve wished she wasn’t going. We’ve just gotten a bit burnt out and with two Summit rings, it sort of has a ‘been there done that’ vibe. I never thought I’d say that.
She just turned 15 and is aging off of her J5 team this year. This will be her third year as a worlds athlete too (although she elected to go only go to summit with her J5 team the first year) , but it makes it a very long 10 days for us. We stay off property in a large condo with 10-12 friends and always have a blast, it just gets expensive and a little redundant. Rocking Roller Coaster is only fun the first 27 times. And Disney food isn’t my favorite.
I’m looking on the bright side that this will be our final Summit and we will make the best of it. Switching it up with some universal studios and some FL beaches in the middle. I personally would have rather gone to Vegas. I had big plans for that. ;)