I'm going to work on the assumption from your default pic (based on the gym uniform) that we're from the same area, and as a librarian at the library system in your area, I'd suggest going to the the library systems website, clicking on resources, research tools, all a-z, and then looking for "Opposing Viewpoints" and "Points of View Reference Center" and click on home access and put in your library card number. You can also try looking in Academic Search Premier
Try plugging in a couple different search strategies with "cheer" "cheerleading" "sport" "athletics" etc using boolean operators (and, and not)... ie. Cheerleading and sport; cheerleading not athletic etc.
Just try a couple different searches and see if any articles come up. I don't know if anything is in there off hand, but its worth a shot.
I would go ahead and look for you...but I mean...I'm not at work thanks to Winter Storm Leon...