All-Star Poor Sportsmanship

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Mar 15, 2010
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Ok just wanted to get some peoples thoughts and opinions on this. As a coach I've always taught my kids something I learned from my coaches & that is to do your talking on the mat!!! Let me add that the coaches who taught me this still coach & still preach that motto. Well recently a COACH of another team felt it nessacary to write rude comments about another gym for anyone to read. Although no specific gym names were used it was more then obvious who they were talking about. Not to mention they thought the team they were talking about was using them as motivation but that was surely not the case. It was not the first time. Same thing happened a couple weeks ago as well. Making it very clear that there motivation was not very positive.

So my question to you is how are we supposed to teach our kids good sportsmanship and positive motivation when the people who are supposed to be a 'leader' is portraying such negative sportsmanship. This was very un-nessacary and un-professional, do you agree??
we should teach the same way we would do in any other situation which is two wrongs don't make a right. this applies to both children and adults alike. hopefully you're teaching them to take the high road and just ignore the petty drama. the proof is on the floor and that's where all the "talking" should take place.
we should teach the same way we would do in any other situation which is two wrongs don't make a right. this applies to both children and adults alike. hopefully you're teaching them to take the high road and just ignore the petty drama. the proof is on the floor and that's where all the "talking" should take place.

Exactly!!! They were told to not even respond to it, and ignore it (which they all did anyway) because they all believe in doing there talking on the mat... Karma is someones worst enimie.
One of my big things as a coach and referee over the years has been about teaching kids (and parents) that respect - for other players, coaches, officials - is an individual responsibility. Coaches can talk about it, referees can mention it in pre-game talks, but ultimately it's up to each person to show respect to everyone involved with a game or competition.

And that failure to show respect comes with consequences - I've sat kids for a half or full game because they were spending too much talking to referees or players on the other team.
This has unfortunately happened more than once recently, directed at our gym. The coaches and owners have a very clear rule not to give it any response in print or conversation. Basically it's there problem not ours. It's hard sometimes to ignore it even as a parent, especially when it comes from other parents or coaches, but it gets easier when you realize that you can only control your actions and reactions. What they choose to do is a reflection on them and has nothing to do with you, your team, or your gym. You're leading by example and that's all you can do.
To me being a coach means leading by example and to see coaches stoop to a level of such poor leadership is awful. I know how much my kids look up to myself and the other coaches If I'm negative they will be too, and the last thing I want is for my team to be poor sports and talking bad about another person or team because ultimately that's a reflection on me. Clearly this specific gym does not see it that way, which is too bad because they are a vey talented gym, but there unsportsmanlike attitude dosen't go unnoticed
I am dealing with the same thing. A coach that used to work at our gym a few years ago went to a program that just opened up this year in our area. She has been nothing but negative towards us. She came to one of our local competitions and video taped all of our teams (just ours) and spoke with some of my girls regarding personal matters in our gym, trying to cause an uproar. She also comments on my girls' pictures and videos on facebook all the time, leaving comments that are rude, but can't really get her in trouble because they aren't necessarily inappropriate. It makes me so angry!
We have to deal with this ALL THE TIME!!! Just have to tell our kids and parents to keep their heads high and smile...rock it on the floor and have speaks VOLUMES!!
It happens everywhere in a every sport. Hopefully some of these negative coaches realize what an impact they have on there cheerleaders and try's a little harder to portay a more positive attitude. Keep the sport fun and have friendly competition!
This poor sportsmanship really infuriates me. And as Britt said our #1 rule is Always do your talking on the mat.
On a more positive note, my large sr. 3 team lost jamfest Indy by .004. Scores being that close, our team was devastated, but instead of hating on the team that beat us, we are becoming friends with them and since our 2 teams will meet up again at Battle in D.C. we are having a bonding session in Washington & doing some fun stuff together & we will be there cheering each other on.
This poor sportsmanship really infuriates me. And as Britt said our #1 rule is Always do your talking on the mat.
On a more positive note, my large sr. 3 team lost jamfest Indy by .004. Scores being that close, our team was devastated, but instead of hating on the team that beat us, we are becoming friends with them and since our 2 teams will meet up again at Battle in D.C. we are having a bonding session in Washington & doing some fun stuff together & we will be there cheering each other on.
THIS is awesome!!!! And both teams will be the better for it :)
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