If I see one more team put up all their stunts in a line and have all the flyers go up and hold each other and a body position... I'm going to die
It's no longer original/creative/unique
Yes. But none of the following are original/creative/unique either, so, what do you propose is done instead?
I've broken them down into categories for easier navigation:
Stunts: Heel Stretches, Scorpions, Scales, arabesques, bow and arrows, liberties, extensions, full ups, switch ups, tick-tocks, and twisting dismounts.
Jumps: Toe touch, pike, front hurdler, and any combination of hit,hit,hit,hit,hit,pull
Tumbling: Any of it
Baskets: Toe touch, pike, straight ride, straight ride with a full twist, and any variation of a kick full/double
Pyramids: Flipping transitions, 2 1/2 high transitions and any "picture"
Motions: Hi-V, Low-V, T, Touchdown, Jazz hands, Stingray hands, Top Gun/CALI/Spirit of Texas/GT hands, F5 hands, CA Claw Hands, WC arm motions, and claps.
Music: Slow stunt songs, themes, popular top 40 songs, broadway songs, old school rap, Ludacris, Fierce Patrick/JR/Chat voice-overs
Just some food for thought.