I respect those are your choices for your daughter, however, I do feel it is a bit cruel to think there aren't going to be repercussions for choices that we say are "OK" when society views it differently. If my child wants to wear her bikini to the mall, I'm going to say "no", not because I think bikini's are horrible but, because she would be subjected to unnecessary judgment and harrassment. I feel the same about pole dancing/gymnastics in the US. Why would I want boys, men and peers that have been conditioned to see it as sexual knowing my child does it and open her up to the harrassment that would come with it? Go to YouTube and look at the comments from differing countries. I'm not going to judge a child but, if they are subjected to harassment, I'm going to side eye a parent for saying it is ok when the majority of their society says it isn't.
This is a good discussion and I think it is a struggle currently going on in AS.