I find the whole bid distribution challenging. I'm sure a lot of thought & consideration was put into the method used. I've also heard as the season progresses it's easier to obtain a bid cause so many teams already have them. I just can't see a team who is consistently in 1st place in their division not receiving a bid cause other divisions are scoring higher. We are trying for D2 but the bids are limited at the comps near us. Then to hear other areas have an overabundance of D2 bids to hand out and teams with scores in the 80's are getting them. This is the first year for D2 surely things will improve in the future. As for the D1 summit. I'm sure that one is even more desired as each comp has been giving out way more bids.
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Since d2 happened comps are actually giving out less bids than they use to. Atleast the comps we are going to. And they aren't easy to get, unless you are talking about wildcard bids.
Those are easy to get but actual paid an at large bids are hard to come by. You usually have to be grand champs in your division, unless the grand champs in your level already have bids then of course runner ups for the level which is still not always the easiest.
I know we all have bids at our gym but we had to put up high scores for each bid otherwise we would still have no bids, there are some incredibly deserving teams that fall short each comp, they could beat us on any given day.
What does stink is some bid declarations state will give it to the highest grand champ, and excludes runner ups.
For instance our j3 was on y3's tails at the comp y3 got paid at, and they were the second highest scoring team of the competition behind our y3- they did not get the other paid bid being given out there because the declaration said you have to be a grand champ to get paid so it ended up going to the 4.2 that scored a bit lower then our j3. But we knew going in only one of our level 3s could get a paid bid.
But I have no doubt they will get one soon. They are amazing!
Senior 5R- paid - highest score of the comp
Senior 4- paid- 3rd highest score of the comp (our s3 our scored them and normally would of got paid but judges review from different judging panels decided to give it to s4 even though they scored just behind s3)
Senior 3- at large (see above s4 post- but was highest level 3)
Junior 3- at large (they scored not far behind our s3 being the 4th highest score of the competition)
Youth 2- at large (highest level 2 at the comp)
Youth 1- at large (highest level 1 at the comp)
Cheerpower Cash bash
Youth 3- Paid (highest score of the whole competition)
Junior 2- at large (second highest level 2 score just behind our y2 that had a bid already)
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