Summit...parents Perspective!

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Jan 22, 2019
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Looking for some parents/spectators with Summit experience!

This is our first year doing cheer, and our gyms first Summit bid!

We are being told that most/all gyms have athlete's stay together and parents/families can stay in same building, but are on their own for rooms? Does anyone have their athlete stay with them?

We are currently competing international, so on the Thursday and Finals Friday. What can we expect in terms of viewing? How early do we need to arrive to get seating? I've heard crazy over-crowding problems from Worlds...does Summit have the same problem?!

Has anyone stayed at a different resort than their athlete? How did you find transportation to WWOS? I know there are Disney busses that go there, but I also know that Disney transportation can be slow...and to get to WWOS you have to sometimes take more than one bus.
If you are on the "package" you can take the busses designated for Cheer.

Any tips/tricks..."wish someone would have told me before m first experience"?

We are very familiar with Disney, just have no idea what to expect for this competition...other than it is going to be EPIC!
Thanks all!!
Looking for some parents/spectators with Summit experience!

This is our first year doing cheer, and our gyms first Summit bid!

We are being told that most/all gyms have athlete's stay together and parents/families can stay in same building, but are on their own for rooms? Does anyone have their athlete stay with them?

We are currently competing international, so on the Thursday and Finals Friday. What can we expect in terms of viewing? How early do we need to arrive to get seating? I've heard crazy over-crowding problems from Worlds...does Summit have the same problem?!

Has anyone stayed at a different resort than their athlete? How did you find transportation to WWOS? I know there are Disney busses that go there, but I also know that Disney transportation can be slow...and to get to WWOS you have to sometimes take more than one bus.
If you are on the "package" you can take the busses designated for Cheer.

Any tips/tricks..."wish someone would have told me before m first experience"?

We are very familiar with Disney, just have no idea what to expect for this competition...other than it is going to be EPIC!
Thanks all!!

As far as hotels, you gym might be able to give you your answer. Our gym requires us to stay onsite at a moderate resort. Out athletes are not allowed to stay at one of the value resorts. We are expected to stay with our athletes. I have heard of gyms who get rooms for their kids at the value resorts and the parents stay offsite. No way would that fly at our gym, and I wouldn't allow that for my CP anyway.

Transportation - I rent a car. I do not want to be dependent on anybody else for my transportation needs. I am not familiar with the bus transportation since we never used it. They will have buses that take you directly from your resort to WWOS.

Viewing would depend on the venue your CP is competing at.
As far as hotels, you gym might be able to give you your answer. Our gym requires us to stay onsite at a moderate resort. Out athletes are not allowed to stay at one of the value resorts. We are expected to stay with our athletes. I have heard of gyms who get rooms for their kids at the value resorts and the parents stay offsite. No way would that fly at our gym, and I wouldn't allow that for my CP anyway.

Transportation - I rent a car. I do not want to be dependent on anybody else for my transportation needs. I am not familiar with the bus transportation since we never used it. They will have buses that take you directly from your resort to WWOS.

Viewing would depend on the venue your CP is competing at.

When you say "it would not fly at our gym" (regarding athletes staying at a value with team/coaches) is that because of a supervision/safety issue, the issue of them getting adequate sleep (which is my concern), or something else? To be clear, for your team, athelets stay in the same room as their family?
It has been explained to us that it is "The Norm" for athletes to stay with the team...but our gym has never been, and our coaches are reaching out to other coaches, so depending on who they are talking to.....
We are being told that most/all gyms have athlete's stay together and parents/families can stay in same building, but are on their own for rooms? Does anyone have their athlete stay with them?

We are currently competing international, so on the Thursday and Finals Friday. What can we expect in terms of viewing? How early do we need to arrive to get seating? I've heard crazy over-crowding problems from Worlds...does Summit have the same problem?!
When our athletes travel for Worlds, they stay together with coaches and parents stay separate. But for our Summit teams, the athletes stay with their parents (same room). Since this is the only travel competition we will be attending that is not stay to play, we can choose whatever we like and many families choose to stay together in rental houses. We rent a car...yes crowded but not much you can do beyond get there early.
We are being told that most/all gyms have athlete's stay together and parents/families can stay in same building, but are on their own for rooms? All gyms don't require that, many do.
Does anyone have their athlete stay with them? Yes, our kids stayed with us every year except the first year. There are many gyms that have their kids stay with the parents.
We are currently competing international, so on the Thursday and Finals Friday. What can we expect in terms of viewing? If your child performs in the Field House or the Visa Athletic Center there is plenty of seating and parent viewing. However, last year was the first year for "The Arena" and it did not have a parent viewing area designated and good seats were hard to come by, because people weren't leaving.
How early do we need to arrive to get seating? We stayed at a hotel about 10 miles away from ESPN and allowed 1 1/2 hours to get to the venue, park and get tickets. For seating in the Field House or Visa AC you don't really have to allow a lot of extra time except to make sure they aren't running ahead of schedule. "The Arena"...geez, after last year, I don't know what to tell you.
I've heard crazy over-crowding problems from Worlds...does Summit have the same problem?! Last year was the only year we experienced over-crowding, but it was the new arena causing all the issues.
Has anyone stayed at a different resort than their athlete? Yes, the first year.
How did you find transportation to WWOS? A lot of people share rental car expenses, Uber, use the hotel shuttle to get onto Disney property and find transportation from there, or hotel taxi.
Any tips/tricks..."wish someone would have told me before m first experience"? If your child or family member wants a wrist band to the celebration order it ahead of time. Note: Athletes will receive a wristband with a full paid bid. You can purchase them when you arrive, but they are limited and last year they ran out. The celebration takes place at Hollywood Studio's after hours and they have a few rides open, a DJ, and music.
Ok, update...sounds like there is an expectation that the athletes will stay together with the coaches, and families have the option to stay with them (they could then stay with their child) or stay off property (but their child would stay on property with the team). I think they are trying to be flexible for anyone bringing multiple members of their family, by not forcing them to stay on property with their child...but there is some thinking their child should be able to stay with them off property.
Ok, update...sounds like there is an expectation that the athletes will stay together with the coaches, and families have the option to stay with them (they could then stay with their child) or stay off property (but their child would stay on property with the team). I think they are trying to be flexible for anyone bringing multiple members of their family, by not forcing them to stay on property with their child...but there is some thinking their child should be able to stay with them off property.
As a coach, I would want all of my athletes in the same place. It's easier to keep track of them that way.
When you say "it would not fly at our gym" (regarding athletes staying at a value with team/coaches) is that because of a supervision/safety issue, the issue of them getting adequate sleep (which is my concern), or something else? To be clear, for your team, athelets stay in the same room as their family?
It has been explained to us that it is "The Norm" for athletes to stay with the team...but our gym has never been, and our coaches are reaching out to other coaches, so depending on who they are talking to.....

Because our gym does not want their athletes unsupervised. The parents are responsible for their children except for when the gym has them for either practice or competition. We aren't a very big gym. I don't think we would have enough coaches for our athletes to room with. And a large amount of our coaches are male, so it would not necessarily be appropriate for our athletes to stay with them. We are all required to stay at the same resort (always a moderate).
We are at a large gym, and our gym lets athletes and parents stay where they choose. I can’t imagine why coaches would want the liability of ensuring large numbers of minor athletes are safe and sound throughout a competition weekend. We are expected to have our athlete at the assigned meeting places for practices and the competition days. Our communication system is multi-layered and thorough which is a necessity for the logistics of a Summit weekend. Most of our families choose to stay at the hotel where our practices are held to make transportation easier.
Our old gym expected teams to stay together on property with chaperones. Parent could stay off or on site but did not room with their kids. We had one athlete that was late to every competition. Every. Single. One. Not ready in any way. We always had to scramble to get her ready, hair, makeup, uniform, sometimes with only 5 minutes. And her mom never contributed to getting her ready, couldn't be bothered to even get her there in time, EVER. So the gym said all athletes stay with the coaches and chaperones on property. You cant be late at summit!
Great info! We are heading to D2 Summit for the first time. We are a brand new team and just got our bid on Monday. Coaches are currently trying to sway everyone to staying "off property" but at the same hotel to save money. But of course all the girls want to stay "on property" to be in the middle of the action. When you start breaking down costs for transportation, tickets, etc. the packages seem much more attractive. It also seems easier to not have to worry about anything aside from meals. What am I missing with this mindset? Our athletes will all stay in same hotel regardless of where we end up and will room with their parents as they are a Youth so too young to stay on their own without parents.
I've been to large competitions where everyone stayed at the same property and where everyone was on their own. It's MUCH more organized if everyone stays together, IMO. We will all stay with our children at the same hotel.

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