I'm new here, but I have to say I hate the way the new bids are revealed. I have a daughter on a SS5 team and also a daughter on a Y1. We've been doing All Star Cheer for 6 years and love having that adrenaline and excitement when any win is achieved, 1st place, grand champs, summit bid, etc. Having to wait, potentially not be with your team is really taking that thrill away from the kids excitement on stage and living that moment. Parents too. They are just as excited as the athletes.
My understanding was this was to alleviate errors, etc. During the reveal, Our gym received a WC bid at the first competition of the season. We competed again a month later, and the same team received a 2nd WC bid at the reveal??? Clearly, this was an error. It took away from the team that was supposed to get it as well as made us all shake our heads and think those in charge of this competition had no idea what they were doing. In addition, we just noticed that 2nd Summit WC bid our team got was ten given to a D2 team that competed??? How is that possible? This was a D1 Summit bid - comp had 3 WC bids for D1 and 1 WC bid for D2.