you're also correct, they accused the Wildcats of an illegal dismount, I believe. I assume that finding out they were wrong, they didn't want to kick the third place team out... I honestly feel as though that's bad on USASF's part but you have to do what you have to do, which means if you have to hurt feeling then so be it. if you make a rule, STICK to it, not saying that third place team didn't deserve to make it to finals, but if their score wasn't high enough then they wouldn't have made it anyway.
Question! is Cheertyme Love out of Mechanicsburg, PA?
Another question! do you guys think that teams took an easier route this year when it came to bids? as in basically trying to get a bid in a division where they know for fact that they could get one instead of getting a bid in the division that they normally compete in? Is this what teams usually do? I haven't really seen this many division changes until this year... maybe i have i just can't remember.