Switching All Star Gym And Feeling Unsure

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May 3, 2016
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I'm new so bare with me :)

My 10 yr old is on an allstar team that she has cheered with for about 3 years. This season was really bad... and we know winning isn't everything, but we (and alot of the other cheerleaders and moms) feel the coaches just did not care at all this year. Last year was a very successful year with UCA wins, Summit bids and great placement at worlds, but this year there was barely any wins and it was upsetting. It was upsetting because we literally spend thousands for this sport and the coaches and owner should take that into consideration.

Now that the season is almost over - I'll say that I know of about 30 ppl that have said that they are leaving and going to other gyms. The news is slowly getting to the owner and he is doing his best to clean up his attitude towards the kids and parents. In just a few short weeks - he has turned into a mr smiley and always happen person and is even engaging with the kids more and parents.

I made my mind up that we are leaving - but my daughter does not want to leave. One minute she is all for it and the next she isnt' - which is frustrating. I don't want to make a decision that she and I wont be happy with. The new gym we are considering is a larger gym and the owners are just more personable and care about the athletics and it shows in their performance and interactions.

But the major problem is this, every time I think of switching gyms - I get nervous and feel guilty. I feel like I'm betraying where my daughter got her start, but then I feel like if all these people are leaving - the gym will be losing some of it's best athletes and I wouldn't want to stay. During team evaluations - the owner of our current gym has been promising things to my daughter and guaranteed us that she will be on a level 3 team and will be a flier. She is excited about this and part of our fear is that the new gym has large groups and she won't get her shine like she would if she stayed.

OMG-- I just don't know what to do...
Winning isn't everything, but I can understand the frustration of spending a lot of money just to have subpar coaching---CP has been in that situation before and it sucked. Ultimately there was a lot of staff changes and then we moved, but I can tell you the next season did get a lot better for the program.

I also think it's important to note that a lot of people who say they're going to leave, don't always do so make sure the decision to leave is yours and yours alone. That said, if CP wanted to stay then I'd likely entertain it because she would be the one cheering there.

I'm new so bare with me :)

My 10 yr old is on an allstar team that she has cheered with for about 3 years. This season was really bad... and we know winning isn't everything, but we (and alot of the other cheerleaders and moms) feel the coaches just did not care at all this year. Last year was a very successful year with UCA wins, Summit bids and great placement at worlds, but this year there was barely any wins and it was upsetting. It was upsetting because we literally spend thousands for this sport and the coaches and owner should take that into consideration.

Now that the season is almost over - I'll say that I know of about 30 ppl that have said that they are leaving and going to other gyms. The news is slowly getting to the owner and he is doing his best to clean up his attitude towards the kids and parents. In just a few short weeks - he has turned into a mr smiley and always happen person and is even engaging with the kids more and parents.

I made my mind up that we are leaving - but my daughter does not want to leave. One minute she is all for it and the next she isnt' - which is frustrating. I don't want to make a decision that she and I wont be happy with. The new gym we are considering is a larger gym and the owners are just more personable and care about the athletics and it shows in their performance and interactions.

But the major problem is this, every time I think of switching gyms - I get nervous and feel guilty. I feel like I'm betraying where my daughter got her start, but then I feel like if all these people are leaving - the gym will be losing some of it's best athletes and I wouldn't want to stay. During team evaluations - the owner of our current gym has been promising things to my daughter and guaranteed us that she will be on a level 3 team and will be a flier. She is excited about this and part of our fear is that the new gym has large groups and she won't get her shine like she would if she stayed.

OMG-- I just don't know what to do...
A coach can and will promise anything to keep u. If u weren't happy this season will u regret it if u do stay another year? Go with your gut! Don't feel bad about leaving a business that did not fill your expectations and may never do so.

I'm new so bare with me :)

My 10 yr old is on an allstar team that she has cheered with for about 3 years. This season was really bad... and we know winning isn't everything, but we (and alot of the other cheerleaders and moms) feel the coaches just did not care at all this year. Last year was a very successful year with UCA wins, Summit bids and great placement at worlds, but this year there was barely any wins and it was upsetting. It was upsetting because we literally spend thousands for this sport and the coaches and owner should take that into consideration.

Now that the season is almost over - I'll say that I know of about 30 ppl that have said that they are leaving and going to other gyms. The news is slowly getting to the owner and he is doing his best to clean up his attitude towards the kids and parents. In just a few short weeks - he has turned into a mr smiley and always happen person and is even engaging with the kids more and parents.

I made my mind up that we are leaving - but my daughter does not want to leave. One minute she is all for it and the next she isnt' - which is frustrating. I don't want to make a decision that she and I wont be happy with. The new gym we are considering is a larger gym and the owners are just more personable and care about the athletics and it shows in their performance and interactions.

But the major problem is this, every time I think of switching gyms - I get nervous and feel guilty. I feel like I'm betraying where my daughter got her start, but then I feel like if all these people are leaving - the gym will be losing some of it's best athletes and I wouldn't want to stay. During team evaluations - the owner of our current gym has been promising things to my daughter and guaranteed us that she will be on a level 3 team and will be a flier. She is excited about this and part of our fear is that the new gym has large groups and she won't get her shine like she would if she stayed.

OMG-- I just don't know what to do...
Visit the other gym. Take some classes, see how they're run. You can even tryout at both locations, that should help you make the decision. I'm sorry that this has happened to you. Consistency is very important.
Go with your gut. I didn't and I regretted it. There is a reason so many people are leaving. Like @cheermomforever said - the owners/coaches will make lots of promises to try and keep people from leaving.

And FWIW, we made a transition from a smaller gym to a large gym and CP shines even more at the new gym then she ever did at the former gym.
Don't base where you go on whether CP will be center flier. That isn't likely to make her happy or help her grow as an athlete on a team that consistently does poorly. Go where she will get solid instruction from coaches that care and can grow her as a athlete, regardless of level placement or flier status. Don't let what other people are doing or threatening to do influence what you do fro YOUR child. I this is easier said than done, but it has always been my take on it.
I am so amuse by the sudden personality shift in Gym Owner and Coaches when the season is over and now people are evaluating their service... I will be wary of any promises spoken now, these people had a full year to impress and now they want to impress for 2 weeks...Okay!

If this gym owner and/coach are saying these things to you now, get them to write it out...I never take verbal promises, put it in writing, Thank you!
I am so amuse by the sudden personality shift in Gym Owner and Coaches when the season is over and now people are evaluating their service... I will be wary of any promises spoken now, these people had a full year to impress and now they want to impress for 2 weeks...Okay!

As others have said go with your gut. Owners/coaches will promise and say a lot in order to get registration numbers. Your CP is comfortable in her gym environment and the thought of change will bring a little fear of the unknown. After a few practices she will be fine. If 30 others are leaving as well, she will see familiar faces and that is always comforting.

It is normal and Ok for you to feel guilty & nervous. You are paying for a service and your are not getting what you paid for and committed to. Although we tend to feel loyal to the gym we represent. There is no loyalty in cheer!

Good luck :)
As someone who has switched gyms twice (once because of gym closure and once because of personal issues), moving gyms has been one of the most productive things I have ever done for myself. I find myself so much more satisfied at slightly larger and much harder working gyms. When you see so much hard working people around you, it is very motivational. And there is nothing quite like putting in hard work and being singled out by a coach telling you how much you have improved. At the gym I am currently with, we get a lot of people every year from other programs in the state. My gym owner realizes this and focuses on the development of the athlete rather than how the athlete looks right then at tryouts. Keep in mind that technique and skills will improve as your cp settles into the "style" of the new gym. As for friends, that will come naturally. I find that in my experience, it will happen after about a month and a half. Especially when teams form, the relationships between teams and stunt groups are always very strong. Everything will come with time. I hope your daughter has a great experience!
Thank you everyone for your kind responses!

We have decided that we are not returning and the owner and coaches are getting real nasty with people when they find out they are leaving. That alone help solidify my decision.

We had try outs at one gym and going to another in a couple of weeks. We will make a decision after the next visit. This was so hard in the beginning, but so much easier now.

I'm new so bare with me :)

My 10 yr old is on an allstar team that she has cheered with for about 3 years. This season was really bad... and we know winning isn't everything, but we (and alot of the other cheerleaders and moms) feel the coaches just did not care at all this year. Last year was a very successful year with UCA wins, Summit bids and great placement at worlds, but this year there was barely any wins and it was upsetting. It was upsetting because we literally spend thousands for this sport and the coaches and owner should take that into consideration.

Now that the season is almost over - I'll say that I know of about 30 ppl that have said that they are leaving and going to other gyms. The news is slowly getting to the owner and he is doing his best to clean up his attitude towards the kids and parents. In just a few short weeks - he has turned into a mr smiley and always happen person and is even engaging with the kids more and parents.

I made my mind up that we are leaving - but my daughter does not want to leave. One minute she is all for it and the next she isnt' - which is frustrating. I don't want to make a decision that she and I wont be happy with. The new gym we are considering is a larger gym and the owners are just more personable and care about the athletics and it shows in their performance and interactions.

But the major problem is this, every time I think of switching gyms - I get nervous and feel guilty. I feel like I'm betraying where my daughter got her start, but then I feel like if all these people are leaving - the gym will be losing some of it's best athletes and I wouldn't want to stay. During team evaluations - the owner of our current gym has been promising things to my daughter and guaranteed us that she will be on a level 3 team and will be a flier. She is excited about this and part of our fear is that the new gym has large groups and she won't get her shine like she would if she stayed.

OMG-- I just don't know what to do...

Maybe you and your daughter could tour the new gym together and talk to the gym owner together so your daughter can get more comfortable with it.
I always look at my kids' growth not the number of wins. Did you CP grow as an athlete and person through her cheer experiences this year? was she generally happy throughout the year? does she have a good number of solid teammates who are continuing? Those are the questions I would be asking. I would tryout at both gyms and then sit down with her. At her age she is more than able to sit with you and discuss all the aspects of a switch? will this gym travel more is that a pro or con for your family? cost wise is it the same? what extras does each gym have - free open gym, tumbling included (if so is it the same day or an extra day)? will she be practicing more days at the new gym and is this a positive or negative to your family? Really include her in this conversation and let her be a part of the process. Listen to what she says and understand her reasons and discuss concerns you have about the old gym and worries about changing. This could be the opportunity to help her gain a valuable skill in making decisions that would help her throughout life.
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