Mom2Cheergirls, Please feel free to reach out to me directly. I would love to assist you. A third party company helps us in educational calling and outreach. I can assist in removing your name from their calling list. Feel free to email or call me directly.
Unfortunately, the organization was the target of a malicious attack several years ago (please remember, not everything you read online is true). Our financials have always and will always be open to the public, transparent, and determined by an independent auditor. The charity educates on prevention and survivorship, it helps breast cancer patients remain in their homes, it keeps the lights on, it shares hope through our beauty bags, it reaches women in third world countries... The organization is forthright in all that we do. We focus on individuals. We make a real difference in the lives of breast cancer patients on a day to day basis. If given the opportunity, I would love to share more about how and where we help!