My former cp had severe and constant knee pain for the last two years, could barely tumble and just soldiered through out of her love for the sport. However, now that she is done, she had a procedure done that was the only suggestion her doctor had left. They took her own blood and basically centrifuged (proper term?) it down and separated the platelets and injected those back directly into various parts of the tendon. It was a very brief procedure done under light anesthetic. Down side, most insurance companies don't cover it, for my daughter, for both knees - the cost was $1200 total. For the first two weeks, she was to just keep physical activity to a minimum and avoid stairs if at all possible. This is to give the platelets the optimum chance to accelerate healing of the tendon. We are about 5 weeks out and the jury is still out on if this has done the trick. But our goal is for her to just be able to walk for long distances without pain, not to tumble. If you were to discuss this with your doctor, I would presume he/she would say at minimum no tumbling or stunting for at minimum one month. Don't know if this is something your doctor would even advise, but just thought I would throw it out there. Good luck.