All-Star Tendonitis.... Help!

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Jun 9, 2012
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I FINALLY figured out what I have, tendonitis in my wrist. It hurts beyond repair to try to even do a round off or any basic tumbling/stunting, even with a rinkydink wrist brace on.

Does anyone else have tendonitis in their wrist? What have you done to help you tumble/stunt without feeling immense pain?
I FINALLY figured out what I have, tendonitis in my wrist. It hurts beyond repair to try to even do a round off or any basic tumbling/stunting, even with a rinkydink wrist brace on.

Does anyone else have tendonitis in their wrist? What have you done to help you tumble/stunt without feeling immense pain?
My cp had it in her ankle for years. Basically a good brace and rest (although I know that is NOT what you want to hear) is what worked best if you don't want to get more agressive with treatment. We went through PT for months but it did not help (although I would look into that, while it did not work for us, it might for you.) She had a cortisone shot which relieved the contstant pain however the relief was only for about 2-3 months. I know some one who was casted for a certain amount of time as well (again, for the ankle) and this finally resolved it. Mine was actually booted and it worked temporarily but it came back as soon as she started tumbling again. We eventually resorted to surgery because she also had a ganglion cyst in her ankle as a result of the tendonitis, and the doctor said he cleared out a whole mess of scar tissue. Sorry this is not a more positive response for you but maybe look into PT and cortisone shots.
I was just diagnosed with tendonitis in my wrist as well a few months ago. The doctor said it's usually caused from repetitive movements of the thumb and wrist and they've seen a huge influx of cases lately. He said a major factor to all the new cases is texting and playing games on smart phones. And being that I play Bejeweled for at least an hour each day, we figured that it was a huge contributing factor.

So obviously to start with I've cut down on the time I spend playing on my phone. Also, instead of using my thumbs when I play or text, I try to use my index fingers. I'm starting physical therapy soon and the doctor seems quite optimistic about that. Of course as the poster above me said, cortisone is always an option to help with the pain, and then if worse comes to worse, there's always surgery. I'm trying to stay away from that option for as long as I can.

I hope yours gets better soon! Try to cut down on any repetitive movements that you think might be causing the pain. And see if you can start physical therapy or get a cortisone shot... Or both?
I've had tendonitis basically everywhere :P The worst that I had was Achilles Tendonitis, which eventually lead to ripping my achilles. Tendonitis is cause by overuse and repetitive movements. I know it sucks, and is hard but rest is the absolute best thing for it. I would go to a physiotherapist, they can do some treatments there to help a long the healing and they might even be able to teach you a way to tape your wrist so your able to do some things. (They were able to do this for my knees when I had tendonitis there). Ice helped also, just to keep any swelling down to reduce pain. Hope you feel better soon!
My former cp had severe and constant knee pain for the last two years, could barely tumble and just soldiered through out of her love for the sport. However, now that she is done, she had a procedure done that was the only suggestion her doctor had left. They took her own blood and basically centrifuged (proper term?) it down and separated the platelets and injected those back directly into various parts of the tendon. It was a very brief procedure done under light anesthetic. Down side, most insurance companies don't cover it, for my daughter, for both knees - the cost was $1200 total. For the first two weeks, she was to just keep physical activity to a minimum and avoid stairs if at all possible. This is to give the platelets the optimum chance to accelerate healing of the tendon. We are about 5 weeks out and the jury is still out on if this has done the trick. But our goal is for her to just be able to walk for long distances without pain, not to tumble. If you were to discuss this with your doctor, I would presume he/she would say at minimum no tumbling or stunting for at minimum one month. Don't know if this is something your doctor would even advise, but just thought I would throw it out there. Good luck.
I have had inflamed tendons in my wrist before. My doctor gave me some medicine and a brace to wear while I was taking a break stunting and tumbling, which was about 10-15 days if I remember correctly.
I would start stretching my wrists more and more each day. It never really felt like anything was actually stretching to me and I never felt loose afterwards, but over time I could tell it helped. I also started weaning myself off my brace (not the doctor one, I used to have one for everyday stunting) and built up more muscle in my wrists. But you should talk to your doctor soon if you haven't already, they'll be able to tell you if you should take a break and what you can do to help/prevent it.
In my office when a patient comes in for tendonitis, we always recommend rest, NSAIDS (ibuprofen), rest, and will offer a steroid injection.
I FINALLY figured out what I have, tendonitis in my wrist. It hurts beyond repair to try to even do a round off or any basic tumbling/stunting, even with a rinkydink wrist brace on.

Does anyone else have tendonitis in their wrist? What have you done to help you tumble/stunt without feeling immense pain?
i have it too and i was out for a week umm it does HURT EXTREMELY BAD but i just try to tough it out and the doc says it wont go away soo we r stuck with it :( ! oh and btw i have it in my left rist hbu?
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