I can only speak for our family but, for us, it's the travel. The big comps continue to get larger each year extending their end times and days, and with higher demand comes higher hotel and airfare prices. For NCA, if you have multiple kids in the program, that now requires many families to fly out on Thursday and return on Tuesday (at the minimum). What we used to be able to do with 3 days of hotel, 4 days of food, and 2 days of parent admission (about $300-400 per day plus airfare) now can require 5 days of hotel, 6 days of food, and 4 days parent admission. Turn around 1 week later and add Cheersport, a month later UCA, and a little over a month later Summit or World's. And, bless you parents with the level 5 athletes having to do "all the all" with the latest and greatest comps at some gyms.
My kids missed 8 days of school last year in the second semester and DH 8 days of work out of his 3 weeks. Add on top of that privates, tutors, PT and doctor bills, much of which can be directly related to the increase stress of a jam packed season. I love AS, our gym, coaches, Varsity (sorry not sorry, their events are much of the reason why our kids love AS) but, most of all what AS has done for our kids. Bottom line, travel is expensive, stressful, effects schoolwork and imposes on the entire family. If your business is down, then "slow your roll".