@Eyes On The Prize
You said,
"The score sheet is not all about tumbling, you're right, but I'd say 90% of your "skill level" is based on your tumbling."
That is my point! A blocking athlete that cheered every level up to level R5 does not lose their
muscle ability when they
mentally block. If this were a sport totally scored on tumbling, then I have no problem with this. However, cheer also scores technique, performance, level of jumps, level of stunt difficulty, so "yes" I feel long term, high level athletes provide an unfair advantage in comparison to beginner and lower level athletes. Level 4.2 provides an appropriate level for those situations and could close that loophole for any level 3, 4, or 5 athlete that's blocking or becomes stagnant with their tumbling.
The rules are in your favor. Coaches can pull as many blocking athletes at the beginning of the season and retired high level athletes throughout the season to put on lower levels. I don't know if this is a huge issue, or not. But, I do believe every athlete and level deserves a level playing field.
***My first post was, "She cheered 13 years, every level up to R5 and was on level 2? At what point is this considered wrong?
" *** We can all provide legitimate situations and examples, but it does nothing to close the loophole.