I have a Tiny Prep team that consists of 6 girls, the youngest being 3.5 and the oldest just turned 5 last month. We are always getting complimented on how well the girls know their routine, they know their formations, and can space themselves out correctly, and they hit all of their stunts. Granted, they only stunt on the thighs of a girl sitting on her feet (if you can picture that) but they do heel stretches, arabesques, and learned how to clean, and snap their motions. The key for us was repitition. Over, and over, and over, and over again. Once we made up the routine, we try not to make too many changes, bc they're little minds have tried so hard to remember one thing, its pretty hard to all of a sudden switch it up on them. The hardest part of their routine for them is setting up on the mat once they are announced. That is sometimes a mess, and so far, i've taken the deduction and had one of my junior coaches assist them in lining up on the mat to start their routine. (In case you were wondering, a coach walking on the mat is a 1 point deduction). Fingers crossed they can do it by themselves at their next comp!