All-Star #topoftheworlds - Usasf Has Big News On Monday??

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There are exceptions. There is a thread talking about that as well. Guess you just need to submit a request to not use it.

Reaching dadlebrity status 1 follow at a time

The gym we were at required that we use it. This year there is even a contract you have to sign stating you will use it.
Thanks to this thread this song has been stuck in my head every time I visit it :)
The gym we were at required that we use it. This year there is even a contract you have to sign stating you will use it.
Sounds like the gym is paranoid of getting in trouble or maybe they don't know of the exception form. There is no reason if you have family in the area or free hotels available that you need to spend the $ to make them happy

Reaching dadlebrity status 1 follower at a time
I think y'all are reading too much into this. Majors came out with their huge announcement about two weeks ago and it was just "hey we've got tank tops now!!!"

I don't think you'll see any major changes to the structure of it (I'll be dead surprised if so) I think whatever their big announcement is will have us all saying "that was it?!"

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Well you nailed this one

The Fierce Board App! || iPhone || Android
Well you nailed this one

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Sadly the stagnancy of the USASF in responding to that list of things MsTeal mentioned is depressingly predictable.

The Rays are more likely to do leather straps, bling and capris before we get meaningful change from the USASF.

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Mandatory background checks on all coaches who work with children.

Now you have to have a USASF Professional Membership (with a background check) in order to vote on anything USASF-related (rules, age grids, etc) - if coaches or gym owners want a say in rules, they have to have a background check. This is a step in the right direction.

Over age kids on teams in every age group......not just worlds team.s

Agree. An easier systematic way to check to see that athletes on the floor match the registered athletes would help. Does USASF shoulder the whole burden, or does some of this fall on the EPs? (I have ideas about bar code shoe tags (bar code stays with the kid, no matter where the kid goes), portable scanners and tablet apps that can pull up a kid's record with his/her picture... Pie in the sky ideas, I'm sure, as these would take $$$$$ to implement. Still... I believe something can and should be done.)

Scoresheets and judging that makes sense.

In the works, preliminary universal score sheet already released. However, "judging that makes sense" is inherently subjective. There will always be subjectivity to this sport. Additionally, an independent judging body (which would be helpful) probably doesn't have to, and maybe shouldn't, come from USASF.

Better judges training.

Currently handled by the EPs. USASF currently trains only safety judges. See above about the independent judging body.

Sex, drugs and underage drinking at Worlds is a serious problem.

Is this a USASF problem? Is the PAC exerting its influence to let USASF know that this is a problem that should be addressed? How should the actions of minors be addressed by the sport's governing body? Should athletes' memberships be revoked for the next year if this happens? Should consequences fall on the gyms or the coaches? (Not expecting answers for this one - just throwing it out there that there isn't an easy solution that can be quickly resolved by the governing body - lots of actors will have lots of different perspectives on this issue.)

Helping to keep allstar cheer affordable for your customer's by cutting registration fee's and abolishing stay to play

That's an EP issue... and a gym owner issue. If enough gyms, including big name gyms, stay away from stay to play events and let the EP know that's the reasoning behind it... the system will change. Agree 100% that it is not sustainable as-is.

10,000 people do not fit in a venue built for 4,700 people no matter how you try and juggle the weekend.

Amen and amen.

Varsity's big announcement??? A video of the top 3 teams from each all girl happy our governing body is on the ball with our concerns!!!!

I think you raise some really valid points. Thank you.
Correct me if I'm wrong- but aren't gyms getting "kick backs" with the stay and compete options? Let me find the link- almost positive for every room that gets booked in your gym, you get some money back.
Correct me if I'm wrong- but aren't gyms getting "kick backs" with the stay and compete options? Let me find the link- almost positive for every room that gets booked in your gym, you get some money back.

No. Gyms (generally) are not and hate the whole thing. They *used* to get comped rooms when they would book a block of rooms through hotels... but not any longer. EPs, however, are getting benefits from STP.

Mandatory background checks on all coaches who work with children.

Now you have to have a USASF Professional Membership (with a background check) in order to vote on anything USASF-related (rules, age grids, etc) - if coaches or gym owners want a say in rules, they have to have a background check. This is a step in the right direction.

I really hope so!

Over age kids on teams in every age group......not just worlds team.s

Agree. An easier systematic way to check to see that athletes on the floor match the registered athletes would help. Does USASF shoulder the whole burden, or does some of this fall on the EPs? (I have ideas about bar code shoe tags (bar code stays with the kid, no matter where the kid goes), portable scanners and tablet apps that can pull up a kid's record with his/her picture... Pie in the sky ideas, I'm sure, as these would take $$$$$ to implement. Still... I believe something can and should be done.)

Yes, I believe they should shoulder the burden. EP's will be the one's who have to actually put those measures into practice. Since Varisty own's the majority of the competition brand's right now, they'll get to have their hand's in it on both sides of the coin.

Scoresheets and judging that makes sense.

In the works, preliminary universal score sheet already released. However, "judging that makes sense" is inherently subjective. There will always be subjectivity to this sport. Additionally, an independent judging body (which would be helpful) probably doesn't have to, and maybe shouldn't, come from USASF.

Completely subjective. LMAO That is the problem. The last 3 year's have been terrible. I've questioned so many final result's. I'm questing every loss.....which means I'm questioning every win as well. I'm at the point of "Why? Why am I still doing this?"

Better judges training.

Currently handled by the EPs. USASF currently trains only safety judges. See above about the independent judging body.

Since USASF/Varsity own's more than their share of EP's........I think there's an answer in there somewhere.

Sex, drugs and underage drinking at Worlds is a serious problem.
Is this a USASF problem?I think there's plenty of blame to share....but, yes, I think it happening out in the open at their event makes it their problem! Is the PAC exerting its influence to let USASF know that this is a problem that should be addressed?Not privy to what the PAC is doing. How should the actions of minors be addressed by the sport's governing body? How is it addressed by other youth sport's governing body? Should athletes' memberships be revoked for the next year if this happens?I believe yes, but I've been told if we did this there would be no full teams,. Should consequences fall on the gyms or the coaches? Yes, I think if there were serious ramifications gyms and coaches would have no choice but to take notice . (Not expecting answers for this one - just throwing it out there that there isn't an easy solution that can be quickly resolved by the governing body - lots of actors will have lots of different perspectives on this issue.)

Helping to keep allstar cheer affordable for your customer's by cutting registration fee's and abolishing stay to play

That's an EP issue... and a gym owner issue. If enough gyms, including big name gyms, stay away from stay to play events and let the EP know that's the reasoning behind it... the system will change. Agree 100% that it is not sustainable as-is.

It's not a coincidence that the 3 stay to play hotel's are USASF /Varsity event's.

10,000 people do not fit in a venue built for 4,700 people no matter how you try and juggle the weekend.

Amen and amen.


Varsity's big announcement??? A video of the top 3 teams from each all girl happy our governing body is on the ball with our concerns!!!!
Who is surprised? Really? Is anyone surprised?

This is the thing that gave us the Baseball field for finals. That decided on 'over-theatricality'. That creates 'rules-that-aren't-rules-but-are-rules' that they don't even enforce. What. Is. This. Madness.
I wish cover up rules were more enforced and were actually a rule here in the uk. The amout of tiny kids wear nike pros and a sports bra at nationals was ridiculous yes it was hot but we were in a place with foyers open to general public
I wish cover up rules were more enforced and were actually a rule here in the uk. The amout of tiny kids wear nike pros and a sports bra at nationals was ridiculous yes it was hot but we were in a place with foyers open to general public

I worry more about the fact that registered sex offender gym owners are still allowed to be 100% involved with All Star. No USASF sanctions or limitations whatsoever.

But who cares when you can watch the top 3 All Girl team routines from Worlds!!
I worry more about the fact that registered sex offender gym owners are still allowed to be 100% involved with All Star. No USASF sanctions or limitations whatsoever.

But who cares when you can watch the top 3 All Girl team routines from Worlds!!

Reaching dadlebrity status 1 follower at a time

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