All-Star Treatment For Wrist Pain?

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Mar 5, 2014
My daughter has been doing quite a bit of stunting lately; she's on an all-girl team but has been taking privates as well as working with her oldest brother on partner stunting. This last week or so she's been complaining about wrist and forearm pain. We believe it's been caused by twisting and straight toss stunts with a single base. Is there anything she/we can do for her arms? I've had her use a tennis ball to stretch it out and some ice as well but it hasn't helped much yet. (Also, do you think it would be wise/practical to purchase her a set of bandannas to tie around her wrists like the boys wear?)

Any input or suggestions would be fantastic. Thanks!
Well, I think you should go see a doctor just in case. It's quite "dangerous" to try to recommend something without seeing the person. There might be something there we don't know about.
@KPep , CP does have an appt. booked to see her doctor, however we can't get into her until next Monday. :( I was just hoping that someone might have experienced something similar and had some advice about ways to make it a little more bearable until then.
All you can do is ice (20 minutes/ 3 times a day, not more, and not directly on the skin), and something for the pain like ibuprofen. I don't want to go further than that, it would be irresponsible on my part.
Keep us updated though! I'm curious to know what kind of injury she has. Can she rest her arms until the appt?
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Keep us updated though! I'm curious to know what kind of injury she has. Can she put her arm(s) to rest until the appt?

Will do! Yes, we've already let her coaches know and they've agreed to let her rest until her assessment. Hopefully it's nothing major and she'll be good as new with a little bit of time off and some care. :)
Good! There is soooo much that can happen with a wrist, and the pain can come from the muscles, the bones, the nerves, the tendons... it probably is just a tendonitis. I wouldn't be surprised.

Good luck to her!
I bought a Power Ball from Amazon and it definitely helps with strengthening my wrist and forearm.
It takes so little to tweak a wrist. I know that sometimes I lift and turn my heavy cast iron pan just so and my wrist will hurt for a week. Definitely rest and treat the pain/inflammation until she is evaluated.
I am not the OP, but thought this might be the most appropriate thread to ask if anyone has any experience with bone marrow edema of the wrist. My CP had wrist pain this past summer. There was no acute event where she landed wrong or twisted her wrist, etc....the pain just built up over time. She got an x-ray and it was negative, so the injury was labeled a sprain by the orthopedist. She wore a brace, didn't tumble and went to PT for about 3 weeks and then resumed tumbling without any problems.

Recently, the same wrist has started hurting again. Once again, there was no acute injury event....and we had it x-rayed and there are no breaks or fractures and it was labeled a sprain by the ER physician. This time we tried AIRROSTI on the wrist because it is supposed to help with sprains. CP said the wrist felt better for a little while after an AIRROSTI treatment, but it would resume hurting if she applied any pressure to it. She continued to practice with her team and fly, but not tumble for 2 weeks and then she had a 2 week break for the holidays. In all, she rested her wrist and received AIRROSTI treatment for 4 weeks, but when she tried tumbling on it again after a month of rest, it hurt again. So...the AIRROSTI provider referred us for a MRI and the results were "bone marrow edema".

The AIRROSTI provivder has referred us to a pediatric orthopedist for a treatment plan, but she is guessing that the orthopedist will recommend 2 months off of tumbling and a wrist brace. I was just wondering if anyone else has any experience with bone marrow edema and its treatment. The SM in me is hoping that the orthopedist will not really recommend 2 months with no tumbling because we are about to start nationals season.....uugh.
I am not the OP, but thought this might be the most appropriate thread to ask if anyone has any experience with bone marrow edema of the wrist. My CP had wrist pain this past summer. There was no acute event where she landed wrong or twisted her wrist, etc....the pain just built up over time. She got an x-ray and it was negative, so the injury was labeled a sprain by the orthopedist. She wore a brace, didn't tumble and went to PT for about 3 weeks and then resumed tumbling without any problems.

Recently, the same wrist has started hurting again. Once again, there was no acute injury event....and we had it x-rayed and there are no breaks or fractures and it was labeled a sprain by the ER physician. This time we tried AIRROSTI on the wrist because it is supposed to help with sprains. CP said the wrist felt better for a little while after an AIRROSTI treatment, but it would resume hurting if she applied any pressure to it. She continued to practice with her team and fly, but not tumble for 2 weeks and then she had a 2 week break for the holidays. In all, she rested her wrist and received AIRROSTI treatment for 4 weeks, but when she tried tumbling on it again after a month of rest, it hurt again. So...the AIRROSTI provider referred us for a MRI and the results were "bone marrow edema".

The AIRROSTI provivder has referred us to a pediatric orthopedist for a treatment plan, but she is guessing that the orthopedist will recommend 2 months off of tumbling and a wrist brace. I was just wondering if anyone else has any experience with bone marrow edema and its treatment. The SM in me is hoping that the orthopedist will not really recommend 2 months with no tumbling because we are about to start nationals season.....uugh.

I had a similar thing. I had really bad pain, which got a little better with a cast and rest but was just as bad as soon as I started using it again.

My x-Rays showed a bone out of place so they sent me for an MRI. This showed I had a cyst growing. After endless scans they worked out I had a ganglion cyst growing on a tendon that had got so big it pushed a bone out of place. I had surgery and it's almost back to normal now, 4 months post op.

It turns out ganglion cysts are common in gymnasts as they can be brought on by repetitive impact on the wrist joint.

It's just a thought, but might be worth asking. I was diagnosed with everything from rheumatoid arthritis to dislocation to calcium deposits before they got it right!

Get well soon all!
I had a similar thing. I had really bad pain, which got a little better with a cast and rest but was just as bad as soon as I started using it again.

My x-Rays showed a bone out of place so they sent me for an MRI. This showed I had a cyst growing. After endless scans they worked out I had a ganglion cyst growing on a tendon that had got so big it pushed a bone out of place. I had surgery and it's almost back to normal now, 4 months post op.

It turns out ganglion cysts are common in gymnasts as they can be brought on by repetitive impact on the wrist joint.

It's just a thought, but might be worth asking. I was diagnosed with everything from rheumatoid arthritis to dislocation to calcium deposits before they got it right!

Get well soon all!
Cp had a ganglion cyst in her ankle following years of tendonitis. Not uncommon at all.
Step 1 check with a Dr. Step 2 a simple, cheap & easy help is to fill up water bottles and have CP squeeze it like a stress ball to and from school, gym etc. It helps strengthen all muscles in and around the wrist. Best of all it's CHEAP!
In high school, I sprained my wrist basing a basket and wasn't allowed to base or tumble for two weeks. But after that I was fine, it wasn't very serious.

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I used to suffer from wrist pain all the time when i cheered. I was checked by a doctor also. I would definitely have her checked by the Doc and see what he says. In the mean time have her ice her wrists and take aspirin for the pain in the mean time. I would suggest taking it easy until she gets checked out also. Better safe than sorry. It might just be the weight she has on her wrists from stunting and tumbling all the time too. Thats what caused mine. I would suggest doing some strengthening exercises with cans of food to start or small weights in her hands such as moving her wrists up and down for a minute then breaking and repeating that a few times and doing sets of them throughout the day on days she isn't at practice.
But first i would wait to see what her doctor has to say. It may be something serious but I'm thinking it may be more just like what i suffered from. It just is your wrists way of dealing with the pressure we put them through haha. If Doc says nothing serious, just ice, aspirin, strengthen. Until the Appt. just ice and aspirin. i would hold off on strengthening in case something is wrong. The best thing if he says nothing is wrong is to maybe ease back into stunting and tunneling but a little fast paced i found it better to get right back into it and work through the pain and it helped my wrist acclimate and get used to the weight. If i went to slow or took to much rest time when they hurt it became harder for me to stunt and my pain worsened. I was put in a wrist brace by the Doc for a week or two just to help assist my wrist while i strengthen then outside practice and stunted but only for a week or two because he didn't want my wrist becoming to used to the brace and he wanted them to get used to the weight ad strengthen themselves. It does get better though! It just takes some time and a lot of people go through it. Its not abnormal.

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