All-Star Unmotivated Team

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Cheer Parent
Mar 2, 2013
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has anyone experienced this? It's really freaking me out. This is CP's 3rd year with pretty much the same group of girls. This year is very different, though. Athletes not showing up for practices or mandatory tumbling. Skipping out on team building because of school work (hello, you've been off for two weeks, couldn't get it done?). Just a general feeling of being over it and not giving a crap. And already talking about quitting after this year.

They had their first comp of the season and didn't do well. We're about to hit it for real, and I gotta say I'm scared. Am I expecting too much because my kid is the one who has to be deathly ill to miss, takes extra tumbling, plans her schoolwork so that everything gets finished and keeps her grades up? CP still really enjoys cheer and could have 3 more years before she ages out.

As far as the gym, there have been no consequences for attendance. I'm just sitting back and shutting up, but I'm really concerned. I'd rather see a small team of committed kids than a large team of slackers that doesn't perform well. I'm at the point where I'm subtly pushing CP to look at other gyms for next year. Any thoughts?
^agreed. Every gym I've been at there are strict attendance policies. If they gym and team are that unmotivated, and your CP really does love cheer, Id be looking for a new gym

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has anyone experienced this? It's really freaking me out. This is CP's 3rd year with pretty much the same group of girls. This year is very different, though. Athletes not showing up for practices or mandatory tumbling. Skipping out on team building because of school work (hello, you've been off for two weeks, couldn't get it done?). Just a general feeling of being over it and not giving a crap. And already talking about quitting after this year.

They had their first comp of the season and didn't do well. We're about to hit it for real, and I gotta say I'm scared. Am I expecting too much because my kid is the one who has to be deathly ill to miss, takes extra tumbling, plans her schoolwork so that everything gets finished and keeps her grades up? CP still really enjoys cheer and could have 3 more years before she ages out.

As far as the gym, there have been no consequences for attendance. I'm just sitting back and shutting up, but I'm really concerned. I'd rather see a small team of committed kids than a large team of slackers that doesn't perform well. I'm at the point where I'm subtly pushing CP to look at other gyms for next year. Any thoughts?
Cali had a really good attendance policy I read about in a different thread. Something about having to pay money if you are late a certain number of times.
Unfortunately, most of us have all had "that teammate/group of teammates" & it does make a difference when it comes to team mentality. Kids are going to try and live up to expectations of them. If the bar is being set at "sometimes come to practice. sometimes go to class. I don't expect you to practice at home", that is what kids & their parents are going to go off of. If the bar is set as " you must be at every practice unless it is ___listed reason in tryout constitution (there will be enforced consequences). you better practice at home or i will be able to tell & I will pull your tumbling pass/stunt/etc if I don't see you putting in effort. If you don't go to class you will fall behind the other dedicated kids & let down your teammates who are trusting in you to give your all.", the motivation to succeed as a team is vastly different. That's not to say that every kid will have the same internal motivation, but there is at least a precedence of consequences for missing practices/not putting in effort, which could be an external motivator for a few that wouldn't push to better themselves on their own. ("i can't wait to go to practice!" vs. "i should go to practice because if I don't, the coaches will move my spot to the back)

So I guess in summary, there is no magic pixie dust to make every kid care & work hard in this sport, BUT you want to be at a gym where the expectation is there. If the gym/coaches don't take crap from kids/parents when it comes to excessive absences, low work ethic, etc. then there is at least a clear expectation to go off of. These are the gyms that are successful in the long run.....they don't try to be the "cool gym". They are clear in what they ask, consistent in their teachings & discipline, and they know when its time to work vs. play.
We were at a gym (which we really loved for many reasons) that had a very lax attendance policy. Even though athletes were told to not miss practices leading up to competition, they did. And there wasn't always a consequence. My CP consistently was missing a base/back on a weekly basis, making it very hard to practice.

We made the decision to look around our area for another gym who would be more consistent with attendance. We found one. It was not easy to leave our old gym, it was our home. But my CP had said it would be her last year of cheer as she was constantly disappointed by teammates and it made her so sad that we had to do something.

Fast forward six months to present. She is so happy. She has a team that is always there. Teammates come in for extra classes. It is just a different vibe.

In an effort to make the best decision possible, we visited other gyms and did camps/classes to see how CP felt (we made sure our gym was not offering something at the same time as to not cause conflict). We also really did our research online and we talked to a lot of people. We pay a lot for this sport and its important to get your money's worth - in addition to having a happy CP!
I'd talk to the coaches about your problems in a private manner. (schedule a meeting perhaps)? It will probably be a lot harder on your CP than you think if you choose to move a different gym. Moving to a new gym doesn't always mean better. "The grass isn't always greener on the other side"

I'm sure if you bring it to the coaches/owners attention, they will try and fix the problem. Your gym possibly have hundreds of athletes. Its hard to tell exactly how many are missing in one days time.

If that doesn't work, then that's when I would decide to look for a new location. Maybe try looking into gyms that has a high reputation? Like Cali, Rays, Georgia All stars and so on. Not sure where you live so its hard to pin point exact names of gyms that might be a good fit you :)
I'd talk to the coaches about your problems in a private manner. (schedule a meeting perhaps)? It will probably be a lot harder on your CP than you think if you choose to move a different gym. Moving to a new gym doesn't always mean better. "The grass isn't always greener on the other side"

I'm sure if you bring it to the coaches/owners attention, they will try and fix the problem. Your gym possibly have hundreds of athletes. Its hard to tell exactly how many are missing in one days time.

If that doesn't work, then that's when I would decide to look for a new location. Maybe try looking into gyms that has a high reputation? Like Cali, Rays, Georgia All stars and so on. Not sure where you live so its hard to pin point exact names of gyms that might be a good fit you :)
I agree with the majority of your post. I would like to add, however, that if you (op) does decide to look into other gyms, don't limit yourself to those big gyms. Obviously they're big for a reason, but keep your options open. I looked into several big gyms with amazing reputations when I was joining a team, and ended up at a tiny gym that most people in my town haven't even heard of. I love it there. It's all about what fits for you. If that's a big, reputable gym, then great! If that's a small gym, then great!

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I agree with the majority of your post. I would like to add, however, that if you (op) does decide to look into other gyms, don't limit yourself to those big gyms. Obviously they're big for a reason, but keep your options open. I looked into several big gyms with amazing reputations when I was joining a team, and ended up at a tiny gym that most people in my town haven't even heard of. I love it there. It's all about what fits for you. If that's a big, reputable gym, then great! If that's a small gym, then great!

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I was only listing big gyms because they are the only ones I know and the only ones that came to mind :) but of course she should choose what's best for her small or big.
I don't really think speaking to the coach or owner will do anything. It didn't when I had an issue in the past (and it was an easy solution, but I got resistance). There was a major issue at the gym, and an announcement was made at the showcase. CP had practice after, and when I went to pick her up, surprise, surprise, the situation was still happening. Sigh, people can be jerks sometimes, and it's sad when they have no consideration for others.

Gym shopping will be no joke if we decide to go that route. The next closest gym is not even a consideration. There are a few really small gyms in the general area, but not all of them even have an appropriate level team for CP. It's looking like we'd be going from a 25 minute drive, to a 75 minute drive.

We've only had one comp so far, but I really am concerned. I guess we have 4-5 months to let this play out.
Sounds like you need to look for other gyms. I'd be annoyed to pay the money for all star cheer if commitment isn't required of all.

This! I understand kids can go from hot to cold very quickly, but I feel like when a gym has no consequences that is just bad news.
I don't really think speaking to the coach or owner will do anything. It didn't when I had an issue in the past (and it was an easy solution, but I got resistance). There was a major issue at the gym, and an announcement was made at the showcase. CP had practice after, and when I went to pick her up, surprise, surprise, the situation was still happening. Sigh, people can be jerks sometimes, and it's sad when they have no consideration for others.

Gym shopping will be no joke if we decide to go that route. The next closest gym is not even a consideration. There are a few really small gyms in the general area, but not all of them even have an appropriate level team for CP. It's looking like we'd be going from a 25 minute drive, to a 75 minute drive.

We've only had one comp so far, but I really am concerned. I guess we have 4-5 months to let this play out.
Oh. I'm sorry that it has to be that way =/ some gyms just really suck. Do they have an option where you can file a complaint?
That would suck what you describe. What a waste of your CPs time to be in class w/o her full stunt group on a regular basis - I would be so mad. Are all the teams at the gym like that, or is this attitude unique to your CPs team? If it's just your CP's team, I'd consider talking to a coach/owner to try and get your CP moved to another team cause that's just unacceptable that a dedicated kid is forced to put up w/ not having a stunt group at practice. If the whole gym operates this way, I'd be looking for a new gym and be prepared to switch as soon as the season is over.
This brings to mind the phrase: "you promote what you permit".

At our old gym, the attendance rule was (once school started) All practices were mandatory, only excused absence are:
a. fever/vomiting/contagious illness (strep, flu, mono)
b. Death in family/Family emergency
c. school event that would effect grade if you didn't attend.

If you missed the last practice before comp. You cannot compete. This was preached, emailed, repeated over and over. Guess what someone ALWAYS missed last practice and they got to compete anyway.:rolleyes: It was usually because someone had school project/paper/homework they HAD to complete and waited till last minute. Coach/owner didn't enforce it. Tried to make team moms be the bad guy.

Nothing sucks more when team morality is non-existent. coaches/owners need to step in when this happens.

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