- Jan 21, 2015
- 525
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A stunt group that SWEATS together…WINS together
! And that is exactly why we are LOVING @cheerfittraining ’sworkout plan this week – The STUNT GROUP WORKOUT.
ANDDD it’s a sneak peek of one of the workouts in the SUMMIT/WORLDS 4 week plan
! #WorkoutWednesday #WorldsWednesday
1⃣SIDE LUNGE TO KICK I 10 reps x 3 rounds I focus = legs, core, hamstrings, hip flexors
2⃣ Supermans I 10 reps x 3 rounds I focus = lower back flexibility & core
3⃣ Squat Hold I 10 reps x 3 rounds I focus = lower bod’
4⃣ Band Pulls I 10 reps x 3 rounds I focus = back and core
FULL WORKOUT & HOW TO VIDEOS available in the 4 WEEK CHEERFIT Workout Plans ~ cheerfittraining.com/4week
A stunt group that SWEATS together…WINS together

ANDDD it’s a sneak peek of one of the workouts in the SUMMIT/WORLDS 4 week plan

1⃣SIDE LUNGE TO KICK I 10 reps x 3 rounds I focus = legs, core, hamstrings, hip flexors
2⃣ Supermans I 10 reps x 3 rounds I focus = lower back flexibility & core
3⃣ Squat Hold I 10 reps x 3 rounds I focus = lower bod’
4⃣ Band Pulls I 10 reps x 3 rounds I focus = back and core
FULL WORKOUT & HOW TO VIDEOS available in the 4 WEEK CHEERFIT Workout Plans ~ cheerfittraining.com/4week