This is just my opinion being a 20 year old at worlds but i strongly do not recommend not staying at the All Star resort if youre a spectator or bringing your kids to worlds. The reason i say this is because come monday night, so many athletes hang out in the pool areas and are drunk. Ages 13-25 are what i saw drinking, and if i was a parent i wouldn't want my child to see WELL KNOWN athletes that they love unable to handle themselves. Its embarrassing to this sport. Yes, i attended to be with my friends and have a fun time, but i wasnt foolish enough to drink. So i just watched as people made a fool of themselves. Im really shocked nobody has brought this up before considering it happens every year. Thats the only drawback though and it happens from like 11pm-5am. Other than that its nice to see the teams practicing but allstar is expensive.
It was only like 15$ to Uber to allstar and then theres a free shuttle to the parks. So staying elsewhere and taking an uber to allstar and watch teams is totally doable!
Im sure im going to get a bunch a drama for saying what happens, but people should know?