OT Game Of Thrones Thread

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I reckon he does. I believe that his father's disdain for him is born not just because he was a dwarf and killed his mother via childbirth but also could be a reminder of his mother's infidelity.

That's me clutching at straws through haha.

The question I have is: what's with Littlefinger? What is his end game with Sansa, I'm confused. Did he know Ramsey would subject her to all of that? If not, why not? Doesn't he know everything? I thought he was obssessed with her cause she was the last connection he had to Catelynn. Anybody got any theories on this?

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I'm in the same boat with Littlefinger... I feel like he knows everything, so its really hard for me to believe he wouldn't know what Ramsey would do to Sansa. But then again, like you said, he's so into her, why would he risk leaving her with Ramsey if he knew how he was? I feel like there is still way more to that story line that has to be told (and its driving me crazy)
I feel Azor Ahai will be D, J, & T... so many things point to it being them...but then again it's GoT and they love to surprise us...so who knows...

I'm still depressed they're basically killing off all the dire wolves. I'm holding out hope for an Arya and Nymeria reunion and praying to God nothing happens to Ghost.

Speaking of Arya... what do you guys think of the ending of this last episode? I have mixed emotions... one side of me just views it plain and simple: she disobeyed the many faced god again, so now she needs to face the consequences/fight to get out, but then other part of me feels like there is something more... the other girl is so set on hurting Arya, I sensed something else going on with the plans of the many faced god??? Any one else have any opinions or insight into this matter??? Or am I just being crazy and reading way too into things?
I feel Azor Ahai will be D, J, & T... so many things point to it being them...but then again it's GoT and they love to surprise us...so who knows...

I'm still depressed they're basically killing off all the dire wolves. I'm holding out hope for an Arya and Nymeria reunion and praying to God nothing happens to Ghost.

Speaking of Arya... what do you guys think of the ending of this last episode? I have mixed emotions... one side of me just views it plain and simple: she disobeyed the many faced god again, so now she needs to face the consequences/fight to get out, but then other part of me feels like there is something more... the other girl is so set on hurting Arya, I sensed something else going on with the plans of the many faced god??? Any one else have any opinions or insight into this matter??? Or am I just being crazy and reading way too into things?

I think that other girl (the Waif) is set on killing Arya. She didnt like her from the beginning and im trying to figure out why. Like is she jealous of Arya bc now there's another girl? Does she hate arya because she's a stark? I have a tough time believing "no one" can hold grudges but this girl has some serious grudges against arya. I think that's what makes her so weird. It doesn't seem like she can be truly "no one" either. Unless, of course, she isn't trying to be a Faceless Man and is just an orphan and the Faceless Men took her in and she's being taken care of by them in exchange for her service. Who knows, but she's def going after Arya. And I think one of them is going to die.

I have a feeling Nymeria is safe from being killed off. I think she plays a role in Ayra's ending story.

Also, in those crazy visions Bran had in the last episode, what was that guy referring to when he said "burn them all!!"? Was he referring to the dragons?
I think that other girl (the Waif) is set on killing Arya. She didnt like her from the beginning and im trying to figure out why. Like is she jealous of Arya bc now there's another girl? Does she hate arya because she's a stark? I have a tough time believing "no one" can hold grudges but this girl has some serious grudges against arya. I think that's what makes her so weird. It doesn't seem like she can be truly "no one" either. Unless, of course, she isn't trying to be a Faceless Man and is just an orphan and the Faceless Men took her in and she's being taken care of by them in exchange for her service. Who knows, but she's def going after Arya. And I think one of them is going to die.

I have a feeling Nymeria is safe from being killed off. I think she plays a role in Ayra's ending story.

Also, in those crazy visions Bran had in the last episode, what was that guy referring to when he said "burn them all!!"? Was he referring to the dragons?

Exactly! The Waif! I was blanking on what she was/is called! I agree, a true "no one" could not hold a grudge like she has for Arya.. I'm intrigued to see what happens next!

I believe that was the Mad King... he was a big fan of that 'wildfire' potion/liquid (Tyrion i believe used it a few seasons back, too). Him saying 'burn them all' was referencing him going mad/the events that led up to Jamie becoming "the kingslayer." People have speculated a few things as to why they're bringing these flashbacks of the Mad King back:

1) to foreshadow Daenerys possibly becoming the "Mad Queen,"
2) showing Jamie's true intentions of killing the king (truly wanting to help save the city v. personal gain)
3) Bran somehow communicated with the Mad King in one of his visions (the Mad King heard Bran's voice, and hence went mad)

Should be interesting to see where they go with it!

I feel Azor Ahai will be D, J, & T... so many things point to it being them...but then again it's GoT and they love to surprise us...so who knows...

I'm still depressed they're basically killing off all the dire wolves. I'm holding out hope for an Arya and Nymeria reunion and praying to God nothing happens to Ghost.

Speaking of Arya... what do you guys think of the ending of this last episode? I have mixed emotions... one side of me just views it plain and simple: she disobeyed the many faced god again, so now she needs to face the consequences/fight to get out, but then other part of me feels like there is something more... the other girl is so set on hurting Arya, I sensed something else going on with the plans of the many faced god??? Any one else have any opinions or insight into this matter??? Or am I just being crazy and reading way too into things?
The Waif is definitely set on killing Arya, that's for sure.

I took the ending of the episode to mean that she's finally decided to become Arya Stark again, not 'nobody' serving the Many-Faced God. She did disobey her orders, and knows that the Waif is coming to get her. So she's armed herself with Needle (which she wouldn't have hidden if it wasn't going to come back soon – it was Chekov's Gun's Needle) and is probably getting ready to fight her way out of that weird cult. I see her leaving Braavos to actually take part in the Westeros saga like she always should have. She'll probably either go to Winterfell and find Sansa and Jon, or she'll go back to King's Landing and finally cross another name off her kill list...

BUT, I also suspect there is something bigger going on, because they wouldn't have set Arya off on her own little subplot in Braavos just to have her come back and continue her journey like nothing happened. Maybe she kills Jaqen H'gar and takes over some of his weird face-changing powers?

...Nerd rant over.
I'm not-so-patiently waiting for this upcoming week's episode. The fact that it's title is "No One" gives me hope for Arya's survival.

Also this is a fun speculation on Sunday's episode: Game of Thrones: Arya’s Plan for Survival Is Actually Pretty Simple | Vanity Fair
I reckon she staged the whole thing. There is no godly reason why the intelligent Arya we know would dress in obvious Westeros fashion, wave around bags of money, loudly book a trip home, walk on a tall bridge with a cocky smile on her face, then trust an old woman whose face she has definitely seen in the temple.

Of all the many, many theories about this coming episode, this one makes the most sense. A Fight Club-style split personality situation seems a bit much, unless it was manufactured by Jaqen to teach Arya some sort of lesson?
wow Sansa is such a bad a$$ in this episode...I love her
Sameeeee. I was really wondering what her characters purpose was in this story. I'm realllllly loving where it's going now. Ramsay continued to be a twisted little f*uck but then Sansa pulls through again. She da real MVP of the whole season.

Dany needs to stop flying around on her dragon and do something. It is worse than watching Bran being carried around in the woods for 4 seasons. I'm not here for this.

I'm hoping to get some arya action in the next episode. Arya, Sansa, and Jon reunion preferably. Maybe bran too. I want more whitewalker action too but I doubt that will happen. They have to play some bigger part in this story and they have also been wandering around for a while just doing whitewalker stuff.

It looks like though we might finally get the confirmation of Lyanna and Rhaegar as Jon Snows parents.
Sansa is so much better now that she's gown a pair. 5 seasons of snivelling and simpering around. Yay for her today, though I wonder what her deal is with Littlefinger to get all the men though.
If there is no Tower of Joy/R+L=J flashback in the finale, or if they do a flashback and the theory is disproven, I swear I will punch a hole through my television.
I think the waif was all part of the plan. She was the last test to become faceless, that's why Jaquin seemed so pleased.

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