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  1. W

    All-Star Can A Flyer Outgrow Their Flyer Position ?

    husband and I notice that CP has had a growth spurt this last year . She use to be the short one, but she is now either the same hight or even taller then most of her friends . She has even noticed it at school . She'll be ten this summer and we've also noticed her body changing shape, not...
  2. cheermommaRN

    All-Star Cutest Little Flyer Ever....

    WATCH: 2-Year-Old Cheerleader Emerson Decker, Dad Perform on Fox & Friends | Fox News Insider Can't believe no one has posted this yet. They keep getting younger and younger!
  3. VACheerMom2014

    Flyer/flex Training

    CP just started and coach said it will hurt and CP will probably cry first time - surprised they are pushed this hard in flexibility this normal?
  4. YoGlow2nca

    College Little Flyer, Big Scholarship

    You don't necessarily have to be little, just thought it was a cool subject title. Anyway, California Baptist University (your current back to back NCA National Champs) just had tryouts and we still have spots open for some talented flyers within our program. And as the subject line suggest, we...
  5. YoGlow2nca

    All-Star Little Flyer, Big Scholarship

    You don't necessarily have to be little, just thought it was a cool subject title. Anyway, California Baptist University (your current back to back NCA National Champs) just had tryouts and we still have spots open for some talented flyers within our program. And as the subject line suggest, we...
  6. AshleyA

    Flyer Back Flexibility

    Two of my flyers are really struggling to pull scales/needles/scorps... what are some stretches that will help increase back flexibility?
  7. Keep_Believing

    All-Star Level 5 Flyer But No Tumbling?

    I just watched an awesome video of a prestigious level 5 cheer team. I am pretty positive at least one of the flyers did not tumble any. Her jumps and flying were great. She didn't have a brace on to indicate an injury. So, I am guessing there wasn't an injury. It surprised me. I sort of...
  8. farmers.cheer13

    High School How Can I Help My Flyer Become More Confident With Her Twist Down?

    Any tips on how I can help mymflyer become confident with her twist down. She has it but when she is asked to throw it, she doesn't. Thanks ~Statebound<3
  9. farmers.cheer13

    High School How Can I Help My Flyer Stick Her Stunts More Often?

    My flyer is very good and I can see the potential in her. But she doesn't like to lock her knees and she sits her butt... a lot! I keep telling her to make sure she doesn't do those things, but its like she forgets right away... is there anything that you know of that I can tell her to try.(I'm...
  10. Cheerxoxo

    High School Flyer Help!!! Please Read!!

    So my flyer keeps falling out of libs and i keep telling her to stay tight but she also fAlls out of halfs and fulls and our coach told us to do libs cuz thats one of the first stunts in the routine and she keeps falling out and its so frustrating. Any tips to give her?? The Fierce Board App...
  11. J

    Flyer Tips And Drills Coverting From Level 2 To 3

    Anyone have any good exercises/drills or tips to help s younget group of flyers to stay tight and control. All very flexbile but have trouble keeping hips in or locking and standing up. They were om youth 2 last year and moved to jr 3 so totally diff world for them
  12. J

    All-Star Flyer Drills And Tips Level 2 Going To Level 3

    Anyone have any good drills and tips for younger age flyers goijg from level 2 team to level 3. They r all flexible just have trouble keeping hips in and standing up and stuff
  13. mytriplek

    Flyer Confidence

    I have a flyer who's now having trouble with her confidence and it breaks my heart. She fell once and now she can't seem to stay up at all. I wanted to try and take her apart from the group and work with just her. Does anyone know anything I can do to help. I'm a rec coach so I won't have any...
  14. I

    Point Flyer, Switch Up Advice

    Hi, I am on a junior 2 team and I am currently the point flyer. Before we received our choreography my coaches always gave me compliments and used me as a good example for my teammates. But lately I've been having a lot of trouble with a switch up to heel-stretch, it never seems to work out and...
  15. Big_Sis

    All-Star Flyer's Shoes Too Big

    The squad got their shoes a few months ago and I JUST noticed that my sister's shoes are too big. She wears a 5 and has a very narrow foot. These shoes are a 6. I've seen the entire toe curl up when her side base is trying to grab on. My point to her is that these shoes can be dangerous if they...
  16. 12stepCheermom

    All-Star How Do You Teach A Flyer To Get Tight?

    I know this sounds strange but are there some drills etc to teach a flyer how to get tight. It seems so obvious and people think the flyer knows what "tighten up" means...but what if the flyer doesn't really "get" what that means? Maybe they're young and/or flying a level they haven't before...
  17. mytriplek

    All-Star Flyer Stability

    I have 2 new flyers with backgrounds in dance. They're both amazingly flexible but they're both having problems with the concept of finding center and stability. Does anyone have any tips in which to help them?
  18. Hithitpull

    Base smaller than flyer?

    I just switched to a new gym, and in one stunt I am secondary basing someone who is at least 4 inches taller than me and weighs a little more than I do. It's a bit too hard for me, and I don't want to fly, so I don't know what to do.
  19. gabbycheerr

    How To Get Your Flyer To Be Confidant In The Air

    My flyer always comes down because she feels like she can't do it or she will fall while trying. How can I make her feel more confidant? The Fierce Board App! || iPhone || Android || Upgrade Your Account!
  20. Jordie

    High School Kinda Sad, Don't Know What My Position Is. Any Tips On Being The Best Flyer There Can Be?

    I've been an on and off flyer. For the stunt clinic I flew, for the next practice I didn't. Then for the practice after that I flew again. & Now for the pep rally they're putting together the stunt formation and I'm apparently front spotting (they decided this after I told them they hadn't...