And here is where the teal army kicks in...
Bust honestly team of the year shouldn't just be who looks likethey have the best skills, or who is trying to repeat from worlds last year, or who everyone talks about. This really should be divided into 6 sections: level 1, level 2, level
3, level 4, level 5, and level 6. You can't compare a level 1 team to a level 5 team!!! But let's be real: this will probably end up being a discussion of the best level 5 teams.
So... Elements of the team of the year should include:
High difficulty ACROSS THE SCORE SHEET for their level
Consistency in hitting the routine
Majority of the team must be highly skilled for that level (I.e. Over half the team having doubles for level
Cleanly executed choreography
A humble heart
Ok so the last 3 are not tangible, I know. But think about it: the heisman trophy winner isn't just a good football player. He recognizes that his talents are God-given and that many people have helped him along in his journey. He is not cocky; he is a humble, grateful person that has been blessed with the oppourtunities and the skills necessary to succeed.
With that being said, think about who you want to put in here. Don't just say someone because you like their uniforms or got a picture with their point flyer. If this were a real award, I know there are teams out there who definitly deserve it <3