Cheer Parent
- Oct 10, 2010
- 2,902
- 3,312
okay, the athletic trainer in me is gonna come out a little bit :)
although i'm pretty sure @cheeromgbre was trying to be funny, that's actually true. everyone is technically born with a "6 pack". its your transversus abdominis and rectus abdominis muscles. they are there, its just a matter of how toned they are, and how much fat you have over top of the muscle. in order for them to "show"? cardio and strength conditioning, and eating right. eating right, believe it or not, really plays a huge factor in it. as does the rate of your metabolism, which, you unfortunately dont have much control over. i know it sounds all swell and dandy to just say, hey, i want to get rid of this pooch on the front of my stomach. reality: you cant choose where your body will burn fat from. harsher reality: if you are female, its extremely hard to get rid of a pooch and "love handles" because your body by nature is preparing you for the almighty childbirth. yea, it sucks, but its something you just have to accept.
now im not going to give you a day by day plan of what you must do to get 6 pack abs. because A. it doesn't exist because B. everyone is different. but me personally
I respectfully beg to differ....I never had any definition to my abs, even when I was slender and did all kinds of ab exercises......until I started training differently (it's intense, not something everyone is capable of) and adding a lot of core work, not just crunches, etc. A couple of years ago the mass of the muscle in my abs (ALL of them, not just "6" everyone talks about) was so significant, you could see them without my body fat being low and when I dropped body fat afterwards they looked ridculous (too muscular for my taste actually :eek:). But the point is I "couldn't do it" in my early twenties, but could do it in my thirties. So it is most definitely possible to build the mass just like any other muscle.
I mean think about it...You've never heard anyone say it's impossible to get your biceps bigger/able to to look toned, etc. have you? Abs, arms, legs, butt, etc. all have the potential to gain muscle mass. Sure everyone has their "problem areas", but you just have to work harder on those areas and drop body fat if you have a "pooch" or if guys have "love handles".