im a single cheercoach:)
my friends always joke that the only man who can live with me has to be involved in cheerleading because:
-all my weekends and holidays and vacation trips are because there is a competition or cheercamp AND i always need to visit all the gyms in that area
-all my clothes are cheerrelated: soffeshorts with a cheerprint, gymshirts,... all formal clothes are in my teamcolors
-i only listen cheermusic
-i want to do a partnerstuntroutine on my wedding instead of the regular first dance
-all my dvds are from competitions, no other movies will be played on that dvdplayer
-the only boardgame i own is monopoly: the cheerleading edition
-only 2 games in my nintendo wii: allstar cheerleader 1 & 2
-all my magazine subscriptions are to cheermagazines
-my ringtone is my teams mix of this season
-my alarm clock is set to sr elites music
-my car has a bunch of stickers of different gyms
yeah you get the point....i dont need a man....i need a doctor and some strong medication, help!