Haha those websites are HILARIOUS!!! Kristenthegreat - isn't it crazy how up and down people can be? I will never understand how some people are just so insanely nice, and then a crazy lunatic comes in right after!! But the nice ones definitely make up for the mean ones....
I live on Cape Cod (work at Staples), so there is a lot of old people...some that don't want to buy anything, they just want to talk! This one guy came in and just walked around for about an hour. As he was leaving I was standing at the register and I said "Thank you have a great day! :D" and he waved...walked out the door, turned around and said "WAIT I have to tell you about my DOG!" (I have no idea who this guy is btw, so it's not like we were old friends or anything!) And then he just proceeded to tell me about how he dresses up his dog and puts little bunny ears on her for Easter, and sweaters for Christmas, etc, and how she is the greatest dog ever! Then he just left. Haha!! I loved it!
THEN we will get very awful mean people...I was walking back up front from the bathroom, and as I walk by customers, I will always say "Hello", or "Do you need help with anything?". So this nice lady just needed help finding some toner, and I had to get back to the service desk to ring customers out. So I paged the ONLY person we had in that department that night to help her. Right after I paged him, another lady needed help in that department as well. I told her it would just be a minute. He starts helping the first lady, and the second lady comes up while I'm ringing out customers and says "SO, you paged him up here and he helped her before ME?!?!?" I said "Ma'am, she was first.." and she got so mad and walked away. I continued ringing out customers, and before I knew it, I had a line...So I forgot to tell my co-worker another customer needed help, so he went back to work. OHH EMM GEE! After she runs around the store looking for him, he finally helps her, and I saw her talking to him. She said "Thank you, you were very helpful, and SHE (pointing to me) WAS NOT!" She came into my line to check out, and I apologized to her for not telling him to help her after. What did she say back? "Your customer service SUCKS" I said "THANK YOU! :D" with a huuuge goofy smile! She said "I will be sure to let Corporate know that too" and I said "Okay thank you have a great night!" Oh, and let me just tell you she was a TEACHER and had a 4 year old child with her. The nerve of some people!!!!