Not retail but I have a lot of stories from my time working at an amusement park.
This guy was probably 40 years old and played my game with his wife and kids. They all left and later he came back by himself and asked me "If I felt like we connected on any level". I told him no, that I'm just a polite person but he seems like a nice guy and he proceeded to tell me that there's a warmth about the way I look at people. So.creepy.
My friend also worked at the park but in food service. One time she was working at dippin dots. The booth had pictures of dippin dots everywhere and clearly said "dippin dots: the ice cream of the future". This girl walks up. "Excuse me, do you sell dippin dots here?" "Yes, we sell dippin dots" "So is it ice cream?" "Ya, the sign says ice cream of the future" "So does that mean it's frozen?" Nooo we like to serve melted ice cream at our park.