my thing is, if you're not going to use a whole song in you cheer music, then one part should be fine as long as it's not vulgar. i've heard plenty of mixes with songs that shouldn't have been in there, but I didn't think it was that bad because the bad parts of the song weren't mentioned.
"I'm about supply and demand, I'm 'bout to serve the feigns" this could be taken as bad, but it's all about how you think of it. in Orange's case it was about to serve LRGSR (as they did, slayed my whole life)
"I'm a cookie monster" now.... who knows how to go about that, i feel as though this song should DEFINITELY NOT be in a cheer mix because it relates to.... never mind. but yeah it's literally saying "cookie cookie cookie, i'm a cookie monster". if you don't think of it in a bad way, it wouldn't seem bad. i'm pretty sure most people who haven't heard that song before would think "hahaha cookie monster" as in the dude from Sesame Street... or that they're hungry for globes, etc. but shoot i know when i first heard the chorus to that song i was confused until they got to the verse lmao.
but yeah i can see why "vodka" wouldn't be allowed in a mix, same with Britney Spears' "1, 2, 3", but like the panthers did a voice over to the chorus of that song, saying "panthers are gonna take another year" blasé blasé, once again, wasn't bad because they made it relatable to the actual team.
i think it's all about how you go about putting a certain song into your mix, IE: Which part, which words, etc.