I agree with you 100%. It amazes me that the "powers that be" do not recognize this as well. I've heard so many complain about there being too much emphasis on tumbling BUT haven't stunts progressed at the same pace as tumbling? Why can't it just be equal? I don't get it. If the IO5/6 divisions want to do their own thing then have at it but why does it need to mess with everything else? Stunts, tumbling, jumps, dance, pyramid, baskets should all be worth lets just say 10 for sake of argument and may the best team win. Is that really so hard?
I still believe BASIC skills can be adapted to be extremely creative, EX. who remembers the rubber band? TG did it (its legal lvl 2) performed once and I remember seeing multiple COLLEGE teams competing it just weeks later. EX. The first time people tumbled at each other ( I'm talking about all four corners tumbling towards the center at the same time) that can be done lvl 1 - lvl 6.
As long as there are creative minds creativity will continue, regardless of restrictions.