Attacked Because We Are Cheerleaders We Defend Ourself!

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Feb 19, 2018
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I am Isabelle, 20 years old from Belgium.At first, I must apologize for my terrible english, I hope it will not burn your eyes, I try my best.

By this thread I just wanted to warn you about what happened to us recently… I follow cheerleaders lessons at school for 3 years already.

So it was the end of the lesson, so as usual, I walk to the dressing room. I was with 3 others cheerleaders. I opened the door and saw a man holding my handbags and some others. It has took me few seconds to realise what’s going on until I yell at him.

His only escape was the door I just opened so he ran on our direction and tried to push us.We catch his arm and he punch me in the face!

We punch him back and pushing him into the dressing room. We were 4 versus him and we surrounding him. We heat him as we could with punch, kick, knee kick…and he quickly he fall to the ground. We kicked him again and he curl on himself asking us to stop…

The rest of the student came to help us but he was done already. The teacher tie his hands behind the back. I took in his pocket his phone and wallet to be sure he s not trying to escape while some students called the police.

We keep him kneeldown like this and the teacher started to question him. She made him admit that he is a drug addict and he did that to pay his product. He admit also it was not the first time and he target only kid dressing room, ballerinas, cheerleaders, gymnastic dressing room or old person doing yoga!! We were shocked that he targetting us just because we do cheerleading!

After maybe 15 minutes, police came to take him. He was not in good shape. Because of the fight due to police station, he has 2 broken ribs and a “black eye” on half of his face. I just have a little bruise on my face and others dancers just on their arms.

I just wanted to warn you. I really hope that behaviour was due to a crazy man and not from a new “vague of crime” targetting specially cheerleaders.

I am Isabelle, 20 years old from Belgium.At first, I must apologize for my terrible english, I hope it will not burn your eyes, I try my best.

By this thread I just wanted to warn you about what happened to us recently… I follow cheerleaders lessons at school for 3 years already.

So it was the end of the lesson, so as usual, I walk to the dressing room. I was with 3 others cheerleaders. I opened the door and saw a man holding my handbags and some others. It has took me few seconds to realise what’s going on until I yell at him.

His only escape was the door I just opened so he ran on our direction and tried to push us.We catch his arm and he punch me in the face!

We punch him back and pushing him into the dressing room. We were 4 versus him and we surrounding him. We heat him as we could with punch, kick, knee kick…and he quickly he fall to the ground. We kicked him again and he curl on himself asking us to stop…

The rest of the student came to help us but he was done already. The teacher tie his hands behind the back. I took in his pocket his phone and wallet to be sure he s not trying to escape while some students called the police.

We keep him kneeldown like this and the teacher started to question him. She made him admit that he is a drug addict and he did that to pay his product. He admit also it was not the first time and he target only kid dressing room, ballerinas, cheerleaders, gymnastic dressing room or old person doing yoga!! We were shocked that he targetting us just because we do cheerleading!

After maybe 15 minutes, police came to take him. He was not in good shape. Because of the fight due to police station, he has 2 broken ribs and a “black eye” on half of his face. I just have a little bruise on my face and others dancers just on their arms.

I just wanted to warn you. I really hope that behaviour was due to a crazy man and not from a new “vague of crime” targetting specially cheerleaders.

Glad you are all okay.

I think there is some thought that you must have more money/wealth to be involved in cheerleading, ballet, gymnastics etc. so that may be why you were targetted.
Glad you are all okay.

I think there is some thought that you must have more money/wealth to be involved in cheerleading, ballet, gymnastics etc. so that may be why you were targetted.
Thanks for your answer!
He told us he prefer target us because it was supposed to be easier...

Do you think he could sue us?He has been hurt a bit badly
Tu peux aussi parler français ici! Nous sommes une petite communauté de francophones mais nous sommes là!

Tu as utilisé la légitime défense. On ne peut pas te blâmer pour ça. Il a malheureusement goûté à la médecine des athlètes cheerleaders! ;)
Thanks for your answer!
He told us he prefer target us because it was supposed to be easier...

Do you think he could sue us?He has been hurt a bit badly
No. As Kpep mentioned you acted in self defense. (See ... je parle francais aussi mais pas bien)
Coucou et merci beaucoup pour vos réponses,

On stresse un petit peu parce qu'il a pris une sérieuse raclée. Quand les flics sont arrivés il avait du mal à respirer et à marcher alors ils l'ont conduit à l’hôpital. Reste plus qu'à patienter mais honnêtement je serais tellement dégoutée d'être convoquée et de devoir me justifier...

@MissCongeniality Tu t'exprimes mieux que pas mal de français adultes! Bravo ton français est parfait!
Ca serait une bonne façon pour lui de ne pas s'attaquer à n'importe qui! Une bonne leçon! Je pense que c'est amplement justifiable. Je ne connais pas votre système de loi mais ici la légitime défense fait partie des arguments valides en cour. De plus, il a tout déballé à la police et a avoué avoir voulu s'attaquer à plus faible...

Je passe juste vous raconter la suite. Voilà, après avoir mis une raclée assez sévère au "génie" qui pense que s'attaquer physiquement à des cheerleaders est une bonne idée, on stressait un peu qu'il porte plainte contre nous. Heureusement, il ne l'a pas fait...

La question se posait si on voulait porter plainte nous memes. Bon avec le recul, physiquement on s'en sort bien, bien bien mieux que lui... De ce que l'on sait, il a 18 ans, il est accroc à la cocaine, il est en foyer et n'a ni boulot, ni études... Finalement on a décidé, bien qu'agressées, de ne pas l'enfoncer davantage, à la condition qu'il vienne présenter ses excuses. c'est effectivement ce qu'il a fait! Bon ok, on lui a un peu forcé la main dans le sens ou c'etait la condition pour qu on ne porte pas plainte. Il s'est pointé s'est excusé comme une petite m**de. Il faisait nettement moins le bonhomme.

Il a donc pu bénéficier d'un jugement simplifié et la juge lui a donné 200 heures de Travaux d intéret general et une obligation de soigner sa toxicomanie. Je pense que c'est adapté.

Depuis, le vestiaire est fermé à clé. Cet épisode nous a rapproché et nous a fait comprendre que finalement, nous, cheerleaders, somme capables sommes capables de flanquer une belle rouste aux petite frappes qui s'en prennent aux femmes.

A bon entendeur... ;)

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