All-Star Attending Clinics At Other Gyms

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Cheer Parent
Apr 11, 2011
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How does your gym feel about athletes attending clinics at other gyms? I know Woodlands Elite has an awesome attitude about it. Lots of kids attend clinics all over, wear their WE shirts, take/post pictures representing WE, post the pictures on instagram/twitter. Families feel free to have fun and make great memories. Love their positive attitude.

Thought this was interesting:

Gabi Butler "It really feels great to get a good review of our summer tour clinic. We have worked very hard to make it a fun and leaning experience for everyone who attends and it is great to know we are meeting and exceeding those expectations! The only thing I wish was that gym owners wouldn't try to keep their kids from going just because it is at a competitors gym. We have seen and heard of gym coaches moving their practices to the same time as our clinic just so their athletes cannot attend. We have even heard of a gym that made their practice mandatory and threatened kids would be kicked off if they missed practice just to keep their kids from attending. It's very sad to me. It just seems very uncaring for your athletes happiness. I can say 100% that I will never do this or allow this at my new gym. If an athlete wants to go train somewhere else they will always be welcome to do so. Every coach should remember that you are only hurting your kids if you behave like this. Sorry, but it needed to be said."
I honestly have no idea how CP's current gym feels about this; but her original gym had no issues with her taking cheer classes 3 days a week at a neighboring gym. It was never an issue.
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I was shocked to read gyms have moved practices to prevent athletes from attending a clinic.
I was shocked to read gyms have moved practices to prevent athletes from attending a clinic.

It's definitely shocking, but not necessarily surprising.

We were invited, at CP's old gym, to a 'competition' that was supposed to be more like a showcase for a gym out gym had a good relationship wise with gymnastics; they were putting their cheer back together and wanted a practice run with their kids. The price for the athletes was on the higher end; much like we'd pay for a real competition, but the charge at the door was also never told to our owner before we went. We paid it of course, but come to find out the purpose of the entire thing was to earn enough money for them to go to a competition out of state. Smart for them? Yes. Great for us? Not really, if I'm being honest---way too many people, not enough team to truly compete and essentially ever team 'won' because they had no one directly going after each other with mock judges that were seriously still in HS. Was it worth my money, no, and our owner apologized and said we'd never do that again.

Taking that wave of thinking; any money these gyms bring in is essentially helping their program against the competitor---maybe it's an extra mat or more funding for a piece of equipment. Maybe it's more exposure to other people and owners fear parents will be talked out of their current gyms?

Either way, the attitude of some don't really surprise me, but I tend to favor keeping CP out of gyms with that type of mentality. She's so young it's not really an issue now, but one day it might be, and I'd much rather have a gym wish her well for a few days away than scorn her for having fun and bettering her skills.
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"I'd much rather have a gym wish her well for a few days away than scorn her for having fun and bettering her skills."

You worded it perfect!
I know our gym recently posted the link on Facebook to a stunt clinic at another local gym. I could see a gym getting upset if a bunch of kids blew off their own team practice for a clinic somewhere else but to move a practice to purposely conflict with the clinic is petty and childish.
Our old gym did not allow us to practice or attend clinics elsewhere, unless it was approved (and it was only approved if you meeded to do something because you cheered for AYC, Pop Warner or school).
I would caution to not always believe everything you hear. There are some gyms who encourage their athletes not to train elsewhere (big difference than not allowing). It may not be due to "pettiness", but rather safety. I'm not saying this particular clinic has safety issues, but I have been to some clinics in the past that had good names backing them that had no gym staff present at the clinics and were basically a free for all. I would think the number of gyms that actually reschedule a practice so that their athletes don't attend a particular clinic are very few and far between.
I would caution to not always believe everything you hear. There are some gyms who encourage their athletes not to train elsewhere (big difference than not allowing). It may not be due to "pettiness", but rather safety. I'm not saying this particular clinic has safety issues, but I have been to some clinics in the past that had good names backing them that had no gym staff present at the clinics and were basically a free for all. I would think the number of gyms that actually reschedule a practice so that their athletes don't attend a particular clinic are very few and far between.


I have never personally attended one of these Suzie Cheerlebrity/College Scouting/etc. clinics that are advertised everywhere.

I always assumed that even if it is technically billed as Chelsea and Carrie Cheerlebrity's clinic, that there are always trained and certified adults from the hosting gym present.

Is that usually not the case?
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I can understand this a little more if gyms are extremely close to each other and fighting for the same pool of kids where this could be used to recruit away from your competitor but beyond that it shouldn't be a big deal.

**Official dog paTROLL of Fierce Board**
I've never attempted to take my kids to a Suzie cheerlebrity tumbling event either but I would guess my gym owner would allow it if I asked and it didn't conflict with her practice schedule. I don't see my gym owner juggling the practice schedule to keep her kids from going. Out if respect, I would definitely run it past her first!!
I must admit, the 2nd gym my daughter joined, I experienced coaches who vehemently not want their athletes to go to other outside training, and even in-house privates (1 month before NCA) due to safety and as a preventative measure against injuries. However, I must include that these demands were only during competition season. Otherwise, the gym and the coaches did not care what you did on the outside, on your free time...

I have never personally attended one of these Suzie Cheerlebrity/College Scouting/etc. clinics that are advertised everywhere.

I always assumed that even if it is technically billed as Chelsea and Carrie Cheerlebrity's clinic, that there are always trained and certified adults from the hosting gym present.

Is that usually not the case?

My gym hosted a TCLM (I think that's the magazine's abbreviation) clinic and we were not required to attend. Our owner was there of course, and maybe two other coaches but it was completely ran by TCLM from what I understood. From the videos/pictures that I saw, it appeared to be very organized.

That being said, kids from lots of neighboring gyms came to the clinic. They even took pictures with the coaches from our gym that were present. Our athletes have been to similar clinics at gyms in our area as well. They wouldn't be allowed to go if it was during their practice time, but it it's not, they're free to go.

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