CP started at 4 after a small local program decided to field a mini team for the first time (she did rec dance for 2 years prior and found it to be boring, cheerleading was just more exciting and she was an active kid who had a lot of energy. She also did some rec gymnastics at the same time as cheer for the first year and a half). Up until this season she was one of those kids who ate, slept, breathed cheer---this season was a difficult one for a few different reasons so I have ever so gently (or not gently depending upon perspective) pushed her towards another sport she has come to love and excel at. Younger CP started at 6; all-star is not in her future but she is switching over to what many would consider Pop Warner styled cheer this summer. She is excited about it.
If I could go backwards and do it all again, we would not have done all-star cheerleading. I am hopeful that we never go back, but it'll be up to older if she ever finds she misses it and wants to return...if, and only if that happens would I consider it. If she loves gymnastics I'd keep her there.