All-Star Battle Under The Big Top Schedule, Teams, And Thoughts

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What would you do if senior elite went straight up perfectly and was winning the entire competition? At worlds, yes the coed stunts make up for it. But not on this scoresheet. I love me some TG and think they look great this year so early. But this routine shouldn't be high point. Sorry.
I think TG is great. But there's nothing wow'ing me about their routine this year. I get caught up in the glory prestige and the *name* of a program more than anyone... But TG Coed, I'm just not impressed by their routine this year. Skills are great! but...
I love top gun and think victor is an absolute genius. I think they are a "whole package" program - choreography, innovation, tumbling, stunts, baskets, pyramids, performance, and execution.....And i think their routine will improve no doubt...But i do find it lacking in the "ahead of the curve" department they usually thrive in...A lot of the choreo and "creativity" seems like recycled and modified ideas from the past. Here's hoping they make some improvements as the season goes on!
This is how you go about winning a bid, with a clean routine that hits. All the difficulty and fluff can be added once the bid is secured. Kudos to TG if they lock the paid down this weekend, then they can go full throttle in Indy and Dallas.

Great way to put it in a positive light!
TG was AMAZING. Very clean and yes they had some difficulty in their stunting. Maybe not what everyone was looking for like tic tocs or full ups but there were level 5 elements (as someone else stated execution on those tic toc or full up variation where not executed well). Those fliers were up in the air for so long and SOLID. Kudos to them...

Looks like SSX wore their uni's from worlds!

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