My daughter would wear her hair straight everyday if she could. She is only 6, she wants her hair to be like mine and all the other white girls hair.
So I try to encourage her to wear it curly and to embrace what she has! She hates it! This year for her first grade school pictures she started crying saying she wanted her hair straight for pics and I almost didn't let her do it but I gave in.
I've heard that a relaxer would definitely fix my babies problem but it would also ruin her hair. This is her hair when it's curly...
if her hair didn't look like this afterwards I'd regret doing it!:(
I use a flat iron on her hair; I've never tried the pressing comb. So that may help. When I straighten her hair she loves it because she says she looks like beyonce...
But even then the back looks cute but after like an hour her roots start crinkling up and then I make her put her hair up because it looks a mess!
So I'm going to try the pressing comb so thank you for your advice!!!
As far as the relaxer I'm just so uncertain!!