My biggest fear is that people get too involved with the drama and politics of cheerleading to keep it what it was when we all first started... Fun. There are obviously a lot of politics and drama in cheerleading, that comes with any sport. Especially any sport that is judged. But I know when I started cheerleading, it was (at first for the girls :) but then) for the love of it. It was love at first stunt for me. I walked into a gym for the first time and never thought I could do a fraction of what I was watching. 12 years later and I'm doing more than I could have ever dreamed was even possible. That makes me love cheerleading more than I've ever loved anything in my life. And when people turn it into drama fest and it's all about the wrong things, it's truly disheartening. The cheer moms who absolutely need their child to be up front for everything because their child works harder than everyone else's child. The kids on the team that are more concerned with what they can get for themselves becasue they want to shine rather then being ok with the fact that they need to get team aspects ready so that they can shine as a team. Weather you are WC Shooting Stars, Top Gun, or CA Bullets, or random midsouth west east north blah blah all stars, you can have a ridiculously fun time with this sport. Weather you tumble your butt off or couldn't do a cartwheel, you can have a 100% chance of having fun if you let yourself. Don't be afraid of things, this is something you love to do. Be happy that you get to participate in something you love to do. Not a whole lot of people can say that. You are all lucky enough to say that you do. Every one of you can put fears behind you if you let yourselves realize why you started this to begin with. I know not everyone that posted in here is scared of something to the point of not doing things, but for those of you that do have mental blocks, try to have more fun in the things that you do permit yourselves to do and then you may find that the other stuff comes more naturally when you're having a good time with it rather than beating yourself up cause you can't do it.