Black and white rules VS Gray rules

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Mar 23, 2010
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As we move into next season when the rules will once again be discussed, voted on and changed, what current "gray" rules do you feel need to become more black and white? Is there any specific current rules that you feel are being interpreted incorrectly? Abused? It can be anything from level play to worlds bids. I'd love to hear your thoughts.
1. Better definition/equitable distribution of how bids will be awarded at competitions. For example, at Cheersport 6 of their 7 bids went to Coed teams.

2. Probably not what you mean, but I would LOVE a Worlds scoring grid!
I just wish that for all USASF member companies, there was a universal score sheet. Each judge can still score according to their opinion within a set point system, and each company can still award bids the way they'd like etc...IMO and i know its been said, but I think this would be great for EVERY level.
Another thing I would like to see, is that if a company is a member of the USASF, they should have to have a standard to combining divisions. Either you HAVE to if only 1 team is competing in said division, or you don't. Again, this would be great for every level.
I thought every company did have the same standards for combining divisions. If you use the USASF Age Grid and Level Grid, it has instructions on how divisions will be dealt with.

Also, if were going to talk about scoring, i wish people would use the worlds score sheet throughout the season, or make their score sheet resemble it. Especially within International divisions. The worlds score sheet is completely different then anything at other competitions.

and personally, i like gray rules. it allows the sport to grow. and allows innovation.
I find that level 3 inversions in stunts and pyramids have areas that are hard to interpret sometimes. It needs to be spelled out more I believe. Particularly inversions in stunts.

I do not like grey rules because I think they open doors for programs to do things that are unsafe just because they can interpret things to say something other than what they were intended to mean. Rules aren't just made for the heck of it....that's why "rules" judges are officially called "safety" judges. I think to move forward, the rules for each level have to be black and white so that it is safe, uniform and easier to stay within the lines.
imrichhowboutu said:
I thought every company did have the same standards for combining divisions. If you use the USASF Age Grid and Level Grid, it has instructions on how divisions will be dealt with.

and personally, i like gray rules. it allows the sport to grow. and allows innovation.

1.That is what I was TOLD/READ however, unfortunately this did not consistently play out this year.
2.I agree with this :)
I agree with the level 3 inversions being more specific..... not only is it subjective for coaches to put in questionable skills, but also subjective for judging. Some competitions would give safety deductions and others would not for the same inversion when supposedly they all followed the same judging and safety rules.

This season's L3 : "Are they allowed to do that?" "Apparently......."
imrichhowboutu said:
I thought every company did have the same standards for combining divisions. If you use the USASF Age Grid and Level Grid, it has instructions on how divisions will be dealt with.

Also, if were going to talk about scoring, i wish people would use the worlds score sheet throughout the season, or make their score sheet resemble it. Especially within International divisions. The worlds score sheet is completely different then anything at other competitions.

and personally, i like gray rules. it allows the sport to grow. and allows innovation.

How do you mean? Can you give an example or 2? Do you mean regarding gray rules with level play, or gray rules overall?
I want coed 4 divided up by the number of males just like the rest of the divisions.
USASF needs people on the board that abide by the rules like everyone else. I am tired of seeing the same old crap going on in this industry and nothing being done about it bc they want those peoples business. Stand up people and USASF stand up for US... bc the small gyms keep your companies going. Stop depending on the large gyms (i love large gyms so dont get offended). Thanks just had to vent and hope something or someone will get a backbone and do something about this!
USASF should set a standard for companies to follow when dealing with issues in music.
For example, at a 2 day comp. you should only get one redo. (If it messes up day 1, you have the better copy so why would anything go wrong day 2?)
I guess I'm just a little bitter(;
infinity said:
USASF needs people on the board that abide by the rules like everyone else. I am tired of seeing the same old crap going on in this industry and nothing being done about it bc they want those peoples business.

Ok, so who on the board doesn't abide by the rules? Who are they letting get away with rule violations because they "want their business?"
BlueCat said:
infinity said:
USASF needs people on the board that abide by the rules like everyone else. I am tired of seeing the same old crap going on in this industry and nothing being done about it bc they want those peoples business.

Ok, so who on the board doesn't abide by the rules? Who are they letting get away with rule violations because they "want their business?"

Blue Cat, USASF may not know nor will I call anyone out, but some probably will soon. Gym owners are getting very angry at this FACT. But I HOPE all the best to those who DO ABIDE by the rules for their businesses and the competitions that they go to and/or run. "GOD's FAVOR"!
infinity said:
BlueCat said:
infinity said:
USASF needs people on the board that abide by the rules like everyone else. I am tired of seeing the same old crap going on in this industry and nothing being done about it bc they want those peoples business.

Ok, so who on the board doesn't abide by the rules? Who are they letting get away with rule violations because they "want their business?"

Blue Cat, USASF may not know nor will I call anyone out, but some probably will soon. Gym owners are getting very angry at this FACT. But I HOPE all the best to those who DO ABIDE by the rules for their businesses and the competitions that they go to and/or run. "GOD's FAVOR"!

You already called people out. You called out the entire USASF Board.

Which of these people aren't abiding by the rules:

Jim Chadwick Chairman
Aaron Flaker Jamfest
Catherine Morris UDA
Elaine Pascale World Cup
Jody Melton Cheer Athletics
John Newby UCA
Karen Halterman NCA
Lance Wagers ACA
Mike Burgess USA
Mac Hirshberg Mac's All-Stars
Happy Hooper ACE Cheer Company
Steve Peterson USASF
Andrea Kulberg Alumni
Roger Schonder Alumni Member
Morton Bergue Alumni Member
Frankie Conklin Alumni Member
Orson Sykes Alumni Member

I know every one of these people (some better than others) and I think you either need to put up or shut up.

If you have evidence of them not abiding by the rules, let's see it. Otherwise, I think you owe them an apology.

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