BlueCat Just for fun.. I don't know what the age divisions were back in 06' but are there any girls that were on that Jags team, they prob. would have been 12, that are on Panthers this year. It would make them 18 now right? If so that would be really really cool!
I can actually do a lot of that team and let you know where they are! But just to make it quick I will do all the flyers
From left to right
Lindsey white - Jags 06,07,08 Panthers 09,10 Wildcats 11 Still in HS
Bianca Garret- Jags 06,07 Panthers 08 Wildcats 09, 10, 11, 12 Still in HS
Olivia Brunk - Jags 06,07 Panthers 07, 08, 09 Wildcats 2010 Filled in several times on panthers in 11 and currently going to worlds with Wildcats 2012. Oklahoma State Large coed
Laura Pearly - Jags 06, 07 Panthers 08, 09, 10, Texas Tech Lrg coed.
Heather gallegos - Jags 06, 07 Panthers 08, 09, 10 Cheetahs 11, 12 still in HS