Blocking People...

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Go to your profile and click on Privacy settings. You can set who can see your profile details, set conversations with you, post messages on your profile, etc.

If you want to control it the most, set it to "people you follow only" and the person should not be able to bug you. If they're getting rally out of line, PM one of the admins or moderators and they can be blocked entirely. Keep in mind if they re getting out of line with you, good chance they are doing the same with someone else. We want this to be a friendly place and definitely don't want ANYONE to be taken advantage off or personally harassed.

PM me or an admin if you have any other questions.
Go to your profile and click on Privacy settings. You can set who can see your profile details, set conversations with you, post messages on your profile, etc.

If you want to control it the most, set it to "people you follow only" and the person should not be able to bug you. If they're getting rally out of line, PM one of the admins or moderators and they can be blocked entirely. Keep in mind if they re getting out of line with you, good chance they are doing the same with someone else. We want this to be a friendly place and definitely don't want ANYONE to be taken advantage off or personally harassed.

PM me or an admin if you have any other questions.

Thank you soo much!! (:

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