I've been taking random notes/collecting data about the past 4 years. This year was my first year coaching this team. This year I made a deal with a local gymnastics gym to have the athletes come to 2 classes a week. After practice 2-3 times a week our tumbling coach would spot/give drills before they left for gymnastics.
0 people gained new skills. 0!!! Not a single BHS moving to tuck. Not even a single new aerial. 0! I only managed to get them to clean up technique!
I really struggled with getting the underclassmen to attend tumbling. I coach in a low income area so it's hard for me to even word it to sound "mandatory" without feeling guilty. How do I get these underclassmen to attend and buy into this new culture?? It would have made my life so much easier if I had managed to convice a greenhorn to attend and they got a BHS with no prior experience. So many of them buy into the attitude that tumbling is unattainable, they "don't have the body for it", etc. I try my best to curb this attidude, but what's helped the most this year is "proof." They didn't do progressions or drills EVER in years prior. This year they whined and complained about them, but they saw what difference they made. They went from barely being able to press up to platform to being able to do low to highs. I've gotten them to buy into my culture 80% of the way, but how to I push them with tumbling without making it a huge financial obligation? :(
0 people gained new skills. 0!!! Not a single BHS moving to tuck. Not even a single new aerial. 0! I only managed to get them to clean up technique!
I really struggled with getting the underclassmen to attend tumbling. I coach in a low income area so it's hard for me to even word it to sound "mandatory" without feeling guilty. How do I get these underclassmen to attend and buy into this new culture?? It would have made my life so much easier if I had managed to convice a greenhorn to attend and they got a BHS with no prior experience. So many of them buy into the attitude that tumbling is unattainable, they "don't have the body for it", etc. I try my best to curb this attidude, but what's helped the most this year is "proof." They didn't do progressions or drills EVER in years prior. This year they whined and complained about them, but they saw what difference they made. They went from barely being able to press up to platform to being able to do low to highs. I've gotten them to buy into my culture 80% of the way, but how to I push them with tumbling without making it a huge financial obligation? :(