So you're saying that if you have a job at Grocery Store A and get approached by Grocery Store B because they want you to be their store manager, but first they need to establish themselves, get the building up, codes done...etc, and the position will start 6 months later, you're going to quite A and wait that 6 months because of loyalty? Puh-lease!
As it's been stated, she was leaving (and this has come from both sides of the sources so I'm gonna assume this information is mostly factual) the program at the end of the season. Whether or not others were following her isn't really a factor...she was willing to spend the next 3 and a half months committed to her team at ICE and the owner at ICE fired her. Whether or not I agree with that decision she was let go. If you want to play the game of semantics, neither were loyal to the other---but in no way do I think either were more loyal than the other.
As for 'stealing' kids, I disagree with the word stealing----she didn't grab up 17 athletes and run out the door with them to another building. They left, on their own accord, for whatever reasons they did. She isn't responsible for that and while I believe most in this thread would not have let their kids leave mid-season, these parents clearly felt it was the better idea. It's been stated a few times that a lot of the athletes closest to her have been with her since their Mini days, those bonds formed that early are strong...I think for the majority of athletes who just left were leaving the second she did. It didn't matter whether or not ICE let her stay, they were gone the second she was, it just happened to be sooner than they planned.
I'm a person who is very much, 'put your money where your mouth is,' and in this case I see these parents leaving as doing just that. When it came down to it, the coach made the sport for their kids---not ICE. Had it been the other way around, she wouldn't have teams to put together because the athletes would have stayed put.