I don't know if this is already stated or not, but if so please, please forgive me (its hard reading 41 pages). While this may be an odd location, and not a lot demographics, revenue etc for another gym to be here, especially with two already "suffering", this is CEA we are talking about. A foundation that already has nine locations throughout NC. Not to mention I think the owner was just on Say yes to the dress, and this may be just a conspiracy of mine (facts have yet to be proven) but maybe that has something to do with sudden new location? Maybe some how the Say yes to the dress people has endorse the business to allow it to be successful in Chicago. To have a nine location gym the owners must be pretty smart people. I'm sure they wouldn't locate in an area that wouldn't be successful and would hurt them financially.
What I would be more concerned about are the other gyms that could possibly go out of business because of the new gym "Big and bad" " ever so famous gym" has arrived.
I've heard some not so good things about Cheer extreme owner lately, can anyone tell me if its true or not? (please just inbox this part, don't feel its appropriate to publicly post that kind of stuff)