All-Star Cea Expanding....

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Avoided this thread as long as I could, but I have to point out a few things.

It's exhausting when people throw out business terms and it's pretty apparent they don't know the meaning.

But I want to point out (like a few others have done) that all star cheerleading is a business. It is imperative that CSP and CEA make money or they cease to exist. In most cases it is important to expand in order to spread fixed expenses across a larger base.

However, all star cheerleading is not exactly like any other business because in order to succeed there HAS to be competition! An event producer really can't run an event if only one gym exists.

So, all of y'all yelling that CEA (or ACE or anyone else) should only expand in areas with no other gym are full of it and don't have any idea what you're talking about. Gyms have to have local rivals and having 2-3 other successful gyms around is a BENEFIT to all the gyms and not a negative.

If you want to whine about something, whine about Varsity owning gyms.

You know you've approached ridiculousness when you drag Acedad into a conversation around here now a days..........and believe me I'm not just saying that because his wife and I share a brain.

For the naysayer's I will quote RJsExtremeMom and just ask y'all this. What if it is PA? Huh? SO WHAT!!!! I've always wanted to say so what and now, I have.
Stop. I would legitimately come out of cheer retirement. I would, in fact, move to...*shudders* B-burg if it meant cheering at a CEA location. That way, I could be super-close to the gym and practically live there..:cloud9:

Girl, for my nieces, I'd move back home to "The Planet" and shudder with you! My CP might have to punch her super, aaaand her-duper senior card. "ring-ring" Columbia University? Is that you? Sorry NC State, but there's a CEA-B in subway proximity to the original Mary's...wot!!
As much as we all love the sport. And as much as it's gotten into the blood of our little darlings, we do have to remember that it is a business. I'm sure that anyone that opens a gym does it for the same love, but they also want to make money. I think gyms having multiple locations would be neat. But I will also say, I wouldn't want the industry dominated by a select few gyms (like grocery stores and restaurants).

I think that expansion is a good idea! Having Cheer Athletics expand down to the Austin area (BlueCat) would be a wonderful thing!! ;)
It's funny, because the rumor I originally heard, when CEA came to Americheer, was that CEA was coming to Ohio.

People just word vomit whatever's on their mind.

I know the PA coach very well, she's a wonderful person and coach. I wish I had a gym so I could have hired her when she was a coach without a team. CSP is a smart lady for snatching her up.
Listen. If this new CEA gym is in Pittsburgh....lets just hope that CSP heads on over to the Abby Lee Dance Company and snatches up Nia and Mackenzie.....I'm so ready for them to get out of their dance struggle and cross on through the golden gate of cheerleading....

Matter fact...she needs to snatch up Brooke too.

This was a few pages back but I have to comment! Brooke would be amazing, I always thought that and she/paige are friends with some of the diamonds i believe from school. We can dream :rolleyes:
CSP can open a gym wherever she wants and for whatever reason she wants. This is a free country.

I also agree with ACEDAD that there are far bigger issues out there concerning "fairness" and conflict of interest that don't get nearly the amount of attention they deserve.
Not every athlete is suited to every gym. IMO, CSP is opening gyms across the country which is either introducing cheerleading to new athlete or giving a place for already athletes to be happy if they are not content with their current gym. Nobody 'owns' an area. If she benefits from it in the mean time..good for her. If the athletes benefit AND CEA programme benefits as a brand then that's awesome! Athletes aren't going to que up at the gym because of those 3 letters, they will be joining CEA because of what they offer in that location. If programmes in the area are worried then maybe that will push them to offer more as a programme and not be content.
Not every athlete is suited to every gym. IMO, CSP is opening gyms across the country which is either introducing cheerleading to new athlete or giving a place for already athletes to be happy if they are not content with their current gym. Nobody 'owns' an area. If she benefits from it in the mean time..good for her. If the athletes benefit AND CEA programme benefits as a brand then that's awesome! Athletes aren't going to que up at the gym because of those 3 letters, they will be joining CEA because of what they offer in that location. If programmes in the area are worried then maybe that will push them to offer more as a programme and not be content.
Agreed. Let her bring those 3 letters to Long Island, that would make things very interesting.
No one would have a problem if CSP opened up a gym down the street from WC or MD Twisters ...
There are lots of rumors going around Pittsburgh about this. The location that I was told (New Stanton Area) would encompass kids from northern West Virginia as well as the Pittsburgh area. Even though there are a lot of gyms in our area, some are located pretty far from New Stanton, so it would be quite a drive. I don't think the good, existing gyms will loose many to a gym in that location, if it is indeed the truth that CEA is considering locating there.

There is a gym in the area that has been rumored to have been bought out by CEA, but they have posted on their twitter that the rumor is false.
exactly. I am a big CEA and CSP fan, but realistically as of now there are two gyms that are light years ahead of the rest. She can expand everywhere she wants, but I think most will realize that joining a first year CEA gym in a new city is just that... your typical level 3/4 gym, MAYBE a weak 5. That gym has no chance at producing a world's winning team. It's not like because CEA moved to your city there is a Senior Elite or SSX everyone can be put on with Courtney as a coach.
I have to say I think the Charlotte gym is doing great for their first year. The teams have improved so so much since the first videos came out at the beginning of the year!