All-Star Cea Expanding....

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if you want to share. I got a lot of it when it happened. That's why I'm surprised someone from fame would comment that this was so bad. I know there was plenty of drama with Heather, NE, etc. Funny I haven't seen anything from any of the gyms up there recently. NE, Core, and Fame ny have been quiet this year. Do they all 3 still exist?
I too am interested in the TRUTH about this, I am in WNY and have heard much speculation about the whole thing, and last I checked I cant find anything about NE anywhere, I would love to hear what really happened
Soooo what would their uniforms look like???
So glad you asked.
I heard they're breaking the mold and going with all brown! I also heard the letters of the gym are spelled up one sleeve and down the other.

Voice overs are proving to be a problem though as finding something that rhymes with Wyoming and CEACAECEACXACEATA is tough.
I really thought I was going to take a day off the boards but I'm seeing this isn't going to happen.

And empire? You say this like it's a bad thing. Local girls make her dreams and the dreams of her kids come true. I can see why this would bother people!!

Shimmy X 1,000!
if you want to share. I got a lot of it when it happened. That's why I'm surprised someone from fame would comment that this was so bad. I know there was plenty of drama with Heather, NE, etc. Funny I haven't seen anything from any of the gyms up there recently. NE, Core, and Fame ny have been quiet this year. Do they all 3 still exist?
There was a lot of speculation from different people about everything so I figured that clearing it up might help and yes all 3 still exist, NE is just very small now.

Basically it it all started out with Premier and All Heat (which was my gym). NE was a gym farther south that ended up buying out a program in Roc that I can't remember the name of. Heather left the old gym because she was caught "mishandling" funds but girls worshiped her so the new gym was successful. A few years later, a couple of the Northeast coaches/partial owner left NE and took over Premier and made them Core. Some athletes left and went there but it stayed pretty even. Fast forward to 2010-2011 season. Core, NE and All Heat were all fighting each other for athletes for Level 5 teams. At the start of the season, Heather came to our owner and asked to combine our Level 6 teams (we both had like 12 people without crossovers) but in the end the other NE owners wanted nothing to do with it. More rumors surfaced, including her mishandling money and other things, so she left NE about halfway through the season... taking with her about half of their Level 5 team. Some of the girls went to Core to cheer on their Level 5 and a few came to All Heat but Heather really didn't have a say in our gym at the time and to be completely honest, no one really wanted her. She had talked down on our gym before and had tried to recruit us via Facebook, etc. Heather began to play a larger part towards the end of the season, with us letting her do privates and help when needed. A week before we were to head to U.S. Finals in VA Beach, the announcement was made that FAME would be "assisting us" and we would be changing our name. Our owner still technically owned the gym but Heather now owned part and so did Fame. It became an issue as try outs were set to start because Core kids were threatening kids saying "we're the original black and red" and all that jazz. A few kids switched gyms here and there but not as many as people suspected. NE actually took their biggest hit when Heather left to begin with. All in all, Fame provided the money that our smaller gym needed to keep from going under. Also there was another really small, one team gym in Rochester... Silver Bullets but they are now part of Core if anyone was curious.

To be completely honest, Fame lost a lot of kids when they became Fame... because a lot of the kids who had been there forever, didn't want Heather and wanted a more family atmosphere. I was one of them. I never actually cheered a season for Fame although the owner was my high school coach too and I cheered for her for 10 years so we're very close.
wow, I saw this thread and was thinking it would be an intelligent, level headed discussion.... why I would have such expectations is beyond me. :rolleyes:
for one, maybe it's because I'm currently in the Pittsburgh area, but this whole "CEA expanding to PA" thing is old news to me... we have alot of current cheerleaders from gyms in the pittsburgh area, as well as an allstar coach who also coaches us. so I was hoping more for a discussion of said topic rather than accusations and rambling.
I for one will say, when I found out about this, I was actually very excited. PA is in the same boat as Ohio is when it comes to allstar gyms- they have a significant amount of talent, it's just spread all across the state. Because of this, no one gym can keep up with the big dogs. I've been saying for years that all star programs in the northeast would benefit by making "regional" gyms in their state, condense the talent, and make some power house teams. Since we all know this will never happen, because like ya'll are saying, cheer is a business and no coach will agree to give up their athletes since that means giving up money, CSP is just a brilliant human being doing the next best thing- bringing a big name gym into the picture. If you can't beat em, join em. This is exactly what PA needs to be successful in this sport. A big powerhouse gym for athletes to flock to. I'm gonna be honest, this sport is all about the money. What parent wants to waste their money at a mediocre gym, when they could send their kid to a powerhouse instead? And it's a win win for the gym owner, because those kids/parents that choose to go to that gym won't care about the money if their kids are succeeding. Does it suck that this means some other gyms may close? yes. But like some of you have said, some kids stay at a gym for different reasons, such as the atmosphere, etc. so they won't be hurting that much. Either way, this is the reality of this sport. To me, I've seen something like this coming for years. I believe a few years down the line, okay maybe a lot of years down the line, there are going to be just a few programs existing still, just with multiple gyms across the country. It's not unrealistic. you need to look at the big picture before you start pointing fingers. and either way, none of ya'll are CSP. you don't know what she was/is thinking, or what her plans are. Let me ask you this- if it was any other powerhouse coach, would you be jumping on them as much?
I rest my case.
peace, love, and happy cheering ya'll.
I find it so funny how you guys in the US have arguments over how gyms expand when gyms in the UK are hard to find! But CSP you should definitely expand to England, my dreams would come true haha
I couldn't agree with you more. I would love to have a wider choice where I live than just one team that competes - the team I left :/.
There was a lot of speculation from different people about everything so I figured that clearing it up might help and yes all 3 still exist, NE is just very small now.

Basically it it all started out with Premier and All Heat (which was my gym). NE was a gym farther south that ended up buying out a program in Roc that I can't remember the name of. Heather left the old gym because she was caught "mishandling" funds but girls worshiped her so the new gym was successful. A few years later, a couple of the Northeast coaches/partial owner left NE and took over Premier and made them Core. Some athletes left and went there but it stayed pretty even. Fast forward to 2010-2011 season. Core, NE and All Heat were all fighting each other for athletes for Level 5 teams. At the start of the season, Heather came to our owner and asked to combine our Level 6 teams (we both had like 12 people without crossovers) but in the end the other NE owners wanted nothing to do with it. More rumors surfaced, including her mishandling money and other things, so she left NE about halfway through the season... taking with her about half of their Level 5 team. Some of the girls went to Core to cheer on their Level 5 and a few came to All Heat but Heather really didn't have a say in our gym at the time and to be completely honest, no one really wanted her. She had talked down on our gym before and had tried to recruit us via Facebook, etc. Heather began to play a larger part towards the end of the season, with us letting her do privates and help when needed. A week before we were to head to U.S. Finals in VA Beach, the announcement was made that FAME would be "assisting us" and we would be changing our name. Our owner still technically owned the gym but Heather now owned part and so did Fame. It became an issue as try outs were set to start because Core kids were threatening kids saying "we're the original black and red" and all that jazz. A few kids switched gyms here and there but not as many as people suspected. NE actually took their biggest hit when Heather left to begin with. All in all, Fame provided the money that our smaller gym needed to keep from going under. Also there was another really small, one team gym in Rochester... Silver Bullets but they are now part of Core if anyone was curious.

To be completely honest, Fame lost a lot of kids when they became Fame... because a lot of the kids who had been there forever, didn't want Heather and wanted a more family atmosphere. I was one of them. I never actually cheered a season for Fame although the owner was my high school coach too and I cheered for her for 10 years so we're very close.

mstealtoyou - just tagging you so you see I saw your tag

So I've read bits and pieces of this thread and all I can say is leave CSP to run her business as she pleases. What does it matter to anyone if she expands to another state or city, what have you. I mean everyone on here saying they've lost respect for her etc are acting like the obsessed cheer fans everyone was talking about in the dangers of cheerlebrity thread. What gives you the right to criticize someone for building up a successful business that other people are willing to pay for.

There's a saying in the creative world - those that can do, those that can't teach. In this case it seems those that can't come on here and complain about those that can for being successful and expanding their brand.:wasntme:

I realize as I type the above statement some might say I'm being hypocritical as I started a thread complaining about a persons actions. But I was complaining about their actions as an individual and how that affects the sport, not about his business. Although that's another thread on its own. :shaka:

Oh and as for an empire, plenty of gyms across the country have multiple locations in different states and cities. As I've said before, at the end of the day this is a for profit industry. If we want to talk empire we can discuss the 800 lbs gorilla in the middle of the room whose event's we all attend, buy their uniforms, wear their shoes, go to their camps and I think even read their magazine. Now THAT is an empire. :fro:

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