if you didn't already think i was a terrible person... this posit will probably make me seem like one...
but why is the new "trend" money for charity? (both CL and the "new" triple crown system) It is a wonderful idea and donating to charity is always wonderful (I especially LOVE LOVE LOVE that MT money won goes towards supporting EYE) but is it really teaching the kids anything? In theory it's to teach them selflessness and giving, but their parents are shelling out 2/3x what their winnings are to get them there. they show up to another competition, win, and don't see the money so they aren't really connected to it. Hold a fundraiser, make the kids work for the money and tour the hospitals/organizations they're donating to or volunteer there if you want them to give to charity. I realize there are only so many hours in the day and i am NOT blaming the kids.. hopefully they have chosen ones near and dear to their heart and the kids are invested in winning it for them.
But in reality it's probably just a varsity scheme to get a tax write off. :rolleyes: I think that's why it bothers me. and the astronomical cost of this sport already - why can't we lower costs to participate instead of handing out $20,000 to charity and let the family donate as they choose with their saved money?