All-Star Champions League Updates ( Movie Spoilers )

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And here is the second.

I personally am proud that these people have followed through with this mission. I hate that I wasn't there to be a part of it. Was it perfect? Probably not. Can there be improvements for subsequent years? I'm sure. Can it potentially empower the gym owners to stand up to the powers that be because they could someday have an alternative to Worlds? I think so.

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THIS! I say let the kids feel special. I don't know that they really realized just what a ground breaking step this was ... And could become for the industry.

And folks can complain about the "prom" part all they want. Every kid (not just cheerlebrities) walked down that carpet (and yes I posted my kid doing it on Facebook because my mom wanted to see it and I'm super proud of him) and her response was "can he smile ANY bigger?!"

No, he couldn't.

Nor could any other kid that I saw walking in either...and I haven't seen any of them complaining about it. It appeared to me that they all had a great time and felt very special. And I don't see a thing wrong with that.

His response wasn't that he wants to be a cheerlebrity because he doesn't care about that. But he does want his non-cheer friends to "get" that what he does IS special and he's not just some guy waving Pom poms on a sideline for his friends who don't "get" why he's completely unavailable for everything (possibly including his own prom if his school had one yet) from basically NCA month to May. If that makes me some terrible person for tagging him in that Facebook video so he can make that be it. I've been accused of worse.

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My few opinions, as someone who wasn't there.
1. I think the idea of running a competition that is only going to be aired for one night in a movie theater is stupid. I live in the middle of nowhere, I will not be driving an hour and a half to the closest theater to me to watching 2 hours of cheerleading, and then drive an hour and a half back. I'd gladly pay for a live feed, or for some sort of online version of the movie, but I think this event should have been available in more ways than just one night in a movie theater.
2. The idea of a prom at a competition is quite stupid to me as well, but only because of how out-of-control the industry is getting with this "cheerlebrity" crap. Of course it would suck to miss your prom for Worlds, and it's great that someone out there thought to give back to those kids out there that will be missing their proms, I just don't love the way it all went down as a public spectacle more-so than a prom for these kids. I know for a fact I'd love to get all dolled up and walk down a red carpet and go to a prom and all that, but that's the last thing on my mind when I'm at a cheerleading competition.
3. Nothing about this competition was clear from the beginning, and all of a sudden we start hearing about these outrageous awards, this random scoresheet, a team somehow winning coed, not getting grand, and then when scores are released they didn't actually win the division... I could go on. It just seems like such a mess. To a point, I understand that things aren't going to go 100% smoothly and they won't be perfect your first time out, but the people behind this event are not new to cheerleading, cheerleading competitions, or anything like that... To put on what looked like (from my perspective, someone who wasn't there) such an unorganized, confusing, and over-done event seems a bit... Pathetic... Considering the total years of experience the people behind this event had.
@12stepCheermom since you mentioned it and were right by it, how did the on deck circle work? I kept seeing pics and it made me curious. Did they stand there where they could see the team going before them? that would make me so nervous

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They didn't take the circle until it was their time. But they staged in the arena off to the side so they could see the team before them go.

Teams came out of warm ups from the warm up room. Walked through the arena and sortof held next to the judges table until the movie girl back there with the headset gave them the green light to go to the on deck circle.

It was a raised (about 6-8 inches) round stand in the middle of the diamond seats. We were literally right next to it and there was about a foot between the end if the chairs and the circle.

Teams did their pre-routine ritual there (that they probably always do backstage right before they go on) and they filmed whatever that ritual was. From there they went a few steps to the back if the diamond seating and split up. There was a raised "catwalk" that went from the back of diamond seating in front of the judges stand up and around to the mat.

Sortof like they do the jam live stuff where the kids can high give people as they're walking up through the crowd (or sortof up over it in this case) to the stage and enter from the front.

They only did this for the "show" the rest of the competition had the on deck circle backstage and they came out from behind the backdrop as usual.

It was mostly parents that bought diamond tickets so there weren't any wild crazed cheerlebrity stalkers going on. I will say the star lite kids were excited to be so close but they were really good and fun and cheered on all of them...and were so excited when Robert Scianna said THANKS! To them directly when they were cheering him on. :)

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Can y'all imagine if Worlds had a red carpet, we'd have to boycott in fear of our kids becoming cheerlebrities.

I was not in attendance but would have loved to experience it and see how was actually done. I hope those that organized it can openly talk to some who were there to get good perspective (positive and negative) to build on for future events.

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I also want to say that since I read here that McLovins daughter was singing the National Anthem I made it a point to line up early so I wouldn't miss it and I'm so glad I did!!! She handled herself like a professional and did a great job!!! Congratulations to A and your family. It was a pleasure watching her perform both times!!!! Great job!!!

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I don't know why a non cheer person (is that what we're calling them?lol) would pay money to see this movie. It's airing one night and isn't even playing in a lot of places so most people would have to spend extra money just to travel to the theater! I'm curious as to if the we're trying to make money off of the movie? Because they won't make much if that was the goal...

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CP has invited a couple of non cheer friends to go with her. They think it's "totally cool" and can't wait to see it.

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CP has invited a couple of non cheer friends to go with her. They think it's "totally cool" and can't wait to see it.

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Same. I believe the youngest CP has scored herself a "date" with a rather athletic young suitor who's been peppering her with questions about what it is she does and wondered if there was a competition he could come watch. She offered this as the alternative since all she has left this season is one more travel competition and worlds. :)

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I've already taken notice how there were two sets of score. But I honestly thought when teams competed in the practice round it was purely for practice for finals so that they would have a better chance of hitting perfect for when the cameras were on. Took me awhile to final figure out where some of the scores were coming from.

Kinda off topic but doesn't the majors have the same kinda setup, like it's only a one day/ one score deal. Gone completely blank can't remember if it's a two day comp, sorry.'s my two cents:

I love the concept of Champions League. I think it made the athletes feel special, and from what I saw, they were all having an awesome time. I love, love, love that someone is thinking a little "outside the box" on the kind of cheer events that are held. One of the reasons it was so fun for us is because it was different than many other events we've been to. Was it a little rough logistically in spots? Yes. It's the first time they've held this event, so we expected it. Sometimes you just have to roll with it.

My daughter's team competed in the regular 2 day competition, and we went as a family to the filming of "the show." It was amazing to be there live. The atmosphere was electric. We got to be "up close" with so many athletes my daughter admires, and with assigned seating and no electronics being held up all over the place, we could all actually SEE everything! It was great! Watching the cameras/production crew was fun for us, too, although scary at times. I have to admit that there were some particular times when I wanted to yell for them to get out of the way, but I do believe they'll have some amazing footage! One of my favorite things to watch during that show, though, was my daughter's face when she saw all her beloved teams go out on that mat and put on a show. I do believe that her love of the sport has been increased ten fold! It was worth the money for the tickets, for sure.

My daughter was absolutely THRILLED to have the opportunity to compete on the same mat and the same setup that the show was filmed on. Even though she isn't on a Senior 5 Worlds team, the entire weekend she also felt like a rock star. With as much work and time as these kids put into their sport and their teams, I don't feel like there's anything wrong with that. It was a weekend I think my daughter will always remember, and it was an AMAZING opportunity for her. I hope we get to go back again.
I've already taken notice how there were two sets of score. But I honestly thought when teams competed in the practice round it was purely for practice for finals so that they would have a better chance of hitting perfect for when the cameras were on. Took me awhile to final figure out where some of the scores were coming from.

Kinda off topic but doesn't the majors have the same kinda setup, like it's only a one day/ one score deal. Gone completely blank can't remember if it's a two day comp, sorry.

Correct. Majors is a 1 shot deal. All the teams get a practice time on the actual floor and are scored that night on their performance.

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Not ending awards till after midnight....:eek:. This comp may go down in history because of it.
Definitely something that could be improved on Angelica but I disagree THAT will be what they go down in history for.

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I feel like most of these complaints (about the competition not the prom) here and in the other CL thread are from people who weren't there. I've seen posts from people saying it made no sense or that it was awful....and they WERENT THERE. They saw the same cheer updates tweets the rest of us (who weren't there) saw

It got me to the point where I went ahead and dropped my $14.25 on tickets to the movie on Thursday because clearly I need to see for myself what everyone else has already rendered judgement on.

But for the most part...most of us need to be quiet until at least 10pm est on Thursday, April 10th....then complaining can resume

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You're right. I should definitely hold judgement till I see the movie. (Or hear about it because I won't be watching unfortunately.) When I said it seemed terrible that was based off a lot of Twitter and the boards. I was too quick to judge, and I'll wait till I hear more or maybe see some leaked videos to pass my final judgment :-)

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Anyone that I have talked to that was actually in attendance, absolutely loved it. Obviously, there were kinks that would need to be worked out, but I haven't heard an actual negative thing by those who coached, competed or spectated. The whole "no video" thing, not a big deal to me. This is what it used to be like not so long ago. We've all become spoiled by vids being posted 30 seconds after a team performs.

I have heard, and I don't know this to be fact, the movie is an in depth look behind the scenes as well as the actual action of the performances. That excites me more than watching the actual competition.

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