All-Star Champions League Updates ( Movie Spoilers )

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Ha ha. I guess you've never been to Reach The Beach......
Seriously! I saw those tweets last night as we were driving home near midnight and was like...."are level 2 kids still competing?!"

It's not that out of the ordinary for level 5 (since they generally tend to be at the end of the day) to run crazy long but I was feeling bad for those kids at RTB last night.

In all, it did run long due to its own technical issues in the beginning (but once they got started it was pretty smooth sailing) but I've seen CHEERSPORT awards scheduled for 11-11:30pm before and they've got running on time down to a science.

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Deleted because Kristen said I was bullying!:confused:
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If that makes me some terrible person for tagging him in that Facebook video so he can make that be it. I've been accused of worse.

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Since I've gotten a few responses to that post, I'll reply, thoughI hadn't planned on it. (I assume they're to me since I've read both these threads and I am the only one who specifically mentioned parents and Facebook videos)

I did not say anyone was a terrible person. Jeez y'all read a lot into the post. I said don't parade your kid down a red carpet and then complain about cheerlebrities (not to you, since we are not Facebook friends). There's no red carpet and faux paparazzi line at a prom - so no, I would not have seen the same videos from a regular prom, and yes, I think it encourages the cheerlebrity craze. I think we're going to have to just agree to disagree on it though, because telling me your kids liked it and had fun does absolutely nothing to sway me.

Here's the thing. OF COURSE your kids felt special and had fun! I don't understand why everyone keeps using that as a reason why it's supposed to sit well with the rest of us. Yes, walking down a red carpet in formal wear is fun. Kinda goes without saying, but that's fine. We get it - it was fun.

And I get that when we say "this was just the elite making themselves feel more elite" that people's response is, "Well yes. This was the best of the best - they ARE elite." But these gyms were chosen by themselves as the best. Some of them were the very best, some of them were not. There were some teams that were not there that have much stronger, more impressive histories than some of the ones that were. Sorry, but the rest of us are on "the outside" looking at this thinking it's another popularity contest. So yes, when you have a prom and garbage like "best outfit" we think it's silly and does nothing to make the event look "groundbreaking." A popularity contest is not groundbreaking - in cheer it's actually the norm.

But it makes no sense to say it was fun for the kids as an argument for why this was so groundbreaking. I mean, I don't think there was a doubt in anyone's mind that the kids would have fun. I'm sure the Oscar's are fun too - that doesn't stop the outside world from thinking it's a bunch of pompous self congratulatory @$$hats patting themselves on the back. (And no, I don't think the kids fit this description, but I'd say yes to some of the other people involved)

So I'm sorry that the people who went are so offended that the rest of us aren't sitting home drooling over the event, and that we thought it was silly. I personally didn't follow the competition itself very carefully because I just wasn't interested, so I can't comment on the judging/scoring. I just didnt care for all the pomp and circumstance surrounding it.

And y'all can keep pointing out that we weren't there so we have no right to comment. I hope it's safe to assume that those of you saying that will never comment again on any event that you yourselves did not personally attend? Because I think it's funny that the people saying that the loudest are people that comment on ish they weren't at all the time.

Side note: why do people make such a big deal out of things and splash them all over social media and then get mad when people comment on it? (And yes, having a red carpet event constitutes "making a big deal" out of something) I'm fairly confident that if all we were saying was how awesome the prom looked and what a great idea it was, no one would be saying, "You weren't there so how do you know?"

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I thought a lot about what I was disliking so much about the Champions League competition and couldn't figure it out until just now.

A lot of the people involved with the Champions League complain about the lack of transparency in this industry. But this competition did provide nearly no information to anyone interested. I know that people involved with it read the boards, yet there are so many questions unanswered:
- Who selects the teams and what is the criteria?
- Why was there a practice round and how did scores from there carry over?
- How were the differences between small/medium/large and allgirl/coed made up?
- Who decided on the rules for this event (rounds, grandchamp,...)?
- What exactly made teams want to go there (some spoke about such an innovative concept, but for the competition itself I can't figure out the innovative concept at all)?
- Why did "they" choose the scoring system that was used? Why didn't they use the Varsity or Worlds scoresheet?
- Were things decided on by Nfinity? The Event Producer? The gym owners of participating teams?
- ...

I, personally, feel that there was so little information given out about this competition, that it almost seems irrelevant to those that didn't participate. I feel that the only information added on since the participating teams were revealed (in a very dragged out way) was the announcement of the movie and how to order tickets for that.
I really hope for everyone who is able to see the movie that at least that lives up to the hype that was established around the CL.

These are my thoughts exactly. I feel like I can't give any opinions on the competition because I know absolutely nothing about it. I was interested (like lots and lots of people were) when the buzz around CL started, but that interest waned as time went on and no clear information was released. I felt like I kept hearing "Visit the website!" and "The info is out there!" but even when I did those things all I could really find were vague explanations.

I am glad to hear that everyone who was at CL had a great time, kids and adults alike. I am impressed that the event organizers got it in the movie theater even for a night, and I think that kind of mainstream exposure is great for all star cheer. I believe that there must be great people and concepts behind this event because why else would so many prestigious gyms/teams have attended? But overall, I think the event would benefit from giving the public clearer and more detailed explanations about things like how teams are chosen, how it is scored, etc. ("Teams are chosen by league members" and similar explanations do not help much.) Most of the skepticism I see seems to be coming from misunderstanding rather than educated opinions, which is why most people who were actually there are giving positive feedback and most people who weren't are not.
There were two CL discussion threads so I merged them. So if posts seem all over the place that's why.
I'll repost since I know now the threads merged. Don't most schools have a prom walk or something similar to it? My high school and most in our area do. The couples go to the high school and walk down a runway as their names are announced. Balloon arches are placed in two positions signifying to the couple to stop for pictures along the way. After the event the king and queen are named and the students then make their way to the prom venue, which isn't the high school. Of course parents come, but a large portion of the town comes just to see the dresses. The event is filmed for local cable tv station and the newspaper takes pictures and often prints them. Isn't that the same basic concept as the red carpet?

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Since I've gotten a few responses to that post, I'll reply, thoughI hadn't planned on it. (I assume they're to me since I've read both these threads and I am the only one who specifically mentioned parents and Facebook videos)

I did not say anyone was a terrible person. Jeez y'all read a lot into the post. I said don't parade your kid down a red carpet and then complain about cheerlebrities (not to you, since we are not Facebook friends). There's no red carpet and faux paparazzi line at a prom - so no, I would not have seen the same videos from a regular prom, and yes, I think it encourages the cheerlebrity craze. I think we're going to have to just agree to disagree on it though, because telling me your kids liked it and had fun does absolutely nothing to sway me.

Here's the thing. OF COURSE your kids felt special and had fun! I don't understand why everyone keeps using that as a reason why it's supposed to sit well with the rest of us. Yes, walking down a red carpet in formal wear is fun. Kinda goes without saying, but that's fine. We get it - it was fun.

And I get that when we say "this was just the elite making themselves feel more elite" that people's response is, "Well yes. This was the best of the best - they ARE elite." But these gyms were chosen by themselves as the best. Some of them were the very best, some of them were not. There were some teams that were not there that have much stronger, more impressive histories than some of the ones that were. Sorry, but the rest of us are on "the outside" looking at this thinking it's another popularity contest. So yes, when you have a prom and garbage like "best outfit" we think it's silly and does nothing to make the event look "groundbreaking." A popularity contest is not groundbreaking - in cheer it's actually the norm.

But it makes no sense to say it was fun for the kids as an argument for why this was so groundbreaking. I mean, I don't think there was a doubt in anyone's mind that the kids would have fun. I'm sure the Oscar's are fun too - that doesn't stop the outside world from thinking it's a bunch of pompous self congratulatory @$$hats patting themselves on the back. (And no, I don't think the kids fit this description, but I'd say yes to some of the other people involved)

So I'm sorry that the people who went are so offended that the rest of us aren't sitting home drooling over the event, and that we thought it was silly. I personally didn't follow the competition itself very carefully because I just wasn't interested, so I can't comment on the judging/scoring. I just didnt care for all the pomp and circumstance surrounding it.

And y'all can keep pointing out that we weren't there so we have no right to comment. I hope it's safe to assume that those of you saying that will never comment again on any event that you yourselves did not personally attend? Because I think it's funny that the people saying that the loudest are people that comment on ish they weren't at all the time.

Side note: why do people make such a big deal out of things and splash them all over social media and then get mad when people comment on it? (And yes, having a red carpet event constitutes "making a big deal" out of something) I'm fairly confident that if all we were saying was how awesome the prom looked and what a great idea it was, no one would be saying, "You weren't there so how do you know?"

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My POV on the matter.... Parents weren't asked if they wanted all this hoopla we were told. Im a rule follower. I wasnt going to protest the prom thing and with hold my kid from the team because the " Owners of the League" decided to have a prom. I know several parents from my gym thought it was silly, but we do as we are asked and most kids borrowed dresses and made do.
Me posting pics and videos on my facebook seemed no different than posting beach pics, team dinner pics or any other cheer comp pics that i would normally post on any given weekend.
I respect your opinion J A M.. I really hope you dont think I'm a crazy suzy mom that is out looking for an agent for my cp just because i posted a video of my cps team on the red carpet!

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I'll repost since I know now the threads merged. Don't most schools have a prom walk or something similar to it? My high school and most in our area do. The couples go to the high school and walk down a runway as their names are announced. Balloon arches are placed in two positions signifying to the couple to stop for pictures along the way. After the event the king and queen are named and the students then make their way to the prom venue, which isn't the high school. Of course parents come, but a large portion of the town comes just to see the dresses. The event is filmed for local cable tv station and the newspaper takes pictures and often prints them. Isn't that the same basic concept as the red carpet?

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Yes, promenade!

General comment (not directed towards you blyndreamalum) -

I just think "prom" was the wrong word. These kids are the stars of this movie. They walked the red carpet all dressed up just like any other movie star would at a movie premier.

Some people liked it, some people hated it. The end.

Makin' mountains outta molehills.
I find it utterly fascinating that the people who typically label certain posts as 'bullying' were the first to shimmy, and the posters who typically shimmy were the first to label 'bullying.' How peculiar. Especially from those who are parents who always blather on about respect.

I think there's some general confusion as to what this event was supposed to be, for the level 5s. From an outsider's perspective, here is my general recollection/thought process:
*VERY long, completely non-disclosed random 'selection' of teams (yes, I know best-of-the-best 'past and present' was involved, but in general it seemed a bit strange).
*ZERO TO LITTLE initial information when people finally started getting hyped
*When info was finally released, it was vague/not quite clear, and by then I'd forgotten.
*General scoring info, but no direct score sheet
*I generally forgot about it, to be honest. There was little/no incentive for me to think about it, and once it changed locations I stopped paying attention
*Apparently they're turning it into a movie? That's cool. I guess. Will any non-cheerleaders see it? Maybe. If they're going with cheer friends. Don't know if people would go on their own. Who knows?
*When I got on here around awards, I suddenly find you could win charity money. That's sweet, but unexpected.
*Prom/red carpet thing, I guess that's cute/fun
*Having zero knowledge of scoring/scoresheet/lack of video, having to rely on tweets about performances and then seeing results left me slightly confused.
*Seeing a team's score that wasn't the highest suddenly getting grand- I don't get how that happens.
*Having best practice uniforms and best emotions is the SILLIEST thing I've ever heard. And not blowing bubbles silly, like WHY ARE YOU WEARING THAT DRESS IT'S 24 DEGREES OUT silly.
*I'm not sure what this was- Was this a competition? Was it a charity event? Was it a pseudo-competition event that was created to film? Was it a cheerleading event for cheerleaders where you 'competed' but it was more about celebrating you?

As cheer culture has grown in a way where it's almost the (international) fan base who drives a good portion, it feels very jarring to suddenly be out of the loop and in the dark. Especially seeing as many people either can't have a theater (international) or physically don't live near one so they can't see the movie, and I doubt they'll show everything anyway. This being ANOTHER southern comp, it's great for everyone who normally gets to see most if not all of these teams live at 3/4 comps a year, but the rest of us can't afford that nor could we afford this. And then essentially being told our opinions/feelings don't matter? Great way to drive away a good portion of the fan base. I'm glad the kids and parents loved it, and clearly some kinks to be worked out. But it'd be great to find a way to unite EVERYONE. Considering I'd wager that a good amount of the people who fill up that Milkhouse every year aren't parents. Or even current cheerleaders.
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Yes, promenade!

General comment (not directed towards you blyndreamalum) -

I just think "prom" was the wrong word. These kids are the stars of this movie. They walked the red carpet all dressed up just like any other movie star would at a movie premier.

Some people liked it, some people hated it. The end.

Makin' mountains outta molehills.
So glad my school isn't the only one who called it promenade! I thought if I posted it that way people would think I'm nuts.

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Everyone is so offended by the "best practicewear" and such awards, am I the only one who isn't? I guarantee those teams don't think it's as big of an honor as actually winning the competition. I want to be considered a sport as much as anyone else but those awards being given at one competition aren't going to keep us from becoming one. Is my school not educational because we do awards like that for the seniors? No...because it's a side thing. Everyone recognizes that it's not saying you're a better team and is not related to the athleticism at all. Just on the side a fun award.

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My POV on the matter.... Parents weren't asked if they wanted all this hoopla we were told. Im a rule follower. I wasnt going to protest the prom thing and with hold my kid from the team because the " Owners of the League" decided to have a prom. I know several parents from my gym thought it was silly, but we do as we are asked and most kids borrowed dresses and made do.
Me posting pics and videos on my facebook seemed no different than posting beach pics, team dinner pics or any other cheer comp pics that i would normally post on any given weekend.
I respect your opinion J A M.. I really hope you dont think I'm a crazy suzy mom that is out looking for an agent for my cp just because i posted a video of my cps team on the red carpet!

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Hm. Now THAT I hadn't thought about - I guess because the only responses I've seen were that the kids had fun and that's all that matters, and that I wasn't there so I can't have an opinion.

True, I can see where you couldn't exactly be on one of these teams and not participate fully. Did any teams not go to the prom? (I genuinely don't know)

And baahahaha no I don't think that about you. (Or truthfully anyone else on my Facebook. I try not to be friends with people I think poorly of!)

Also, truth be told, I don't even think there's anything wrong with wanting your child to be a cheerleb. I just hate when people deny it and say they hate cheerlebrities, when they are pushing their child's stardom at every turn. If I'm not your Facebook friend and yet I know your child's first and last name, what school they go to, and what team they cheer on... there's some pushing going on. Own it and keep on keepin on.

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