to add to the super senioring thing... I wholeheartedly agree with @
I think for a lot of kids in this sport, because cheer is such a big part of your life, the thought of losing that piece of you is scary and you panic. all change is scary. but there is life after cheerleading, I promise. I cheered, and obviously I still care and am involved since I'm posting here... but I stopped cheering, went to college and found my own way in the world. if I had been preoccupied with cheer and hanging out with kids that are still in high school I think my college experience would have been drastically different (in a negative way.)
I also worry about some of these kids choosing colleges solely to super senior. now, if it's your dream team moving for college is much more reasonable to me than moving while still in high school, but it still bothers me. for example: I follow a cheerleader on social media that I've met at comps a few times. this cheerleader chose a college based on it's proximity to an all star gym. instead of moving into the dorms and getting involved at school, they chose an off campus apartment to be able to have a car and get back and forth to practice. because nearly all of their free time is spent with people still in high school and they aren't really on campus for anything more than class, I really worry that they're missing college completely. add in the super depressing "I have no friends and I'm lonely" tweets and posts and I really question these types of decisions. granted, move any 18 year old across the country from their family and I'm sure they'd be homesick/sad too and hey, maybe a ring will make up for it, what do I know? I just hope for their sake, that they aren't looking back in 5/10 years regretting the things they missed out on. you only get to do "the college experience" once (if you're lucky.)