Okay, so this is my first-ever post out of the newbies section (after lurking for the entire 2011-2012 season), but once I saw this thread I just had to post! The Non-Blonde Cheerleader trilogy is fantastic and such an awesome example of writing about cheer without making it into that stereotypical thing that it always seems to come off as in just about anything else people write. I can't even try to count the number of times I've re-read those books.
I'm an English major who's been writing practically since I could talk, and cheer has always been one of those things I want to write about. I actually did write a short story about it for my Creative Writing class a couple semesters ago, and almost all my characters are cheerleaders, just because I think the world needs more characters who are cheerleaders and aren't caricatures/completely evil, but at some point what I really want to do is tell the story of an All Star team--maybe one that was on top and won Worlds several years back, but now most of those girls have aged out and the team hasn't been able to live up to the standard set by the team a few years ago. I haven't come up with the full plot yet :/ Feel free to throw ideas at me if you have them, because I'd love some inspiration!
Because I only cheered high school (my family couldn't afford All Star), I feel like I don't know the All Star world quite well enough to write about it right now. I have a good handle on it from doing school cheer with girls from Cheer Force and from just following the sport (and of course, reading about it on Fierce Board!), but I kind of feel like to really be able to write it what I need to do is kind of shadow a team for a season and get a sense of what it's really like to do All Star cheer, especially as a level 5 athlete. The thing is, I really have no idea how I would go about talking to a team about doing anything like that, and I have no idea how most programs would feel about someone sitting in on their practices, maybe even talking to some of the athletes to get an idea of their personal experience, etc. It's kind of a pipe dream at this point, but I'd love to be able to write the "Remember the Titans" of cheer or something :)
Also, sorry this is so long. Like I said, this is my first time posting out of the newbie section and I'm kind of terrified that I'll say something wrong or stupid and end up getting the veteran posters annoyed with me.